
November 27, 2019

Bush’s Presidential Library: What, no “Mission Accomplished” photo on display?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jane Stillwater @ 1:13 pm


“I absolutely must go see GWB’s new presidential library while I’m here in Dallas,” I told the friend that I was staying with.

“Why in the world would you want to do that?” she replied. I just shrugged. Is it going to make me feel any better knowing that the traitorous scoundrel who stole two (2) presidential elections, unleashed a whole new level of corruption on America, failed to stop the 9-11 madness and murdered a million Iraqis, is not rotting away in jail?

“Perhaps I could just flip him the bird?” That probably won’t happen either. Still and all, I was determined to go see just how bad that Bush Junior’s presidential library actually was. But it was even far worse than even I had expected. I was totally shocked.

First there was the 9-11 exhibit, making GWB appear to be the hero of 9-11 instead of the cause of it. If only George had read his NSA briefings instead of going out for a beer with the boys. But he did not.

Next our George shamelessly took credit for being the hero of Hurricane Katrina, even strongly hinting that it was those uppity Blacks who caused that disaster. “It was them not me, honest!” Say what?

Moving on to the exhibits praising George Jr’s glorious triumphs in Afghanistan and Iraq. Might he be referring to those so-called wars that Americans are still fighting almost twenty years later? That cost American taxpayers over seven trillion dollars? Those glorious triumphs? Gag me with a spoon.

But wait, there’s even more. Dubya was also the hero of the environment. And then he actually had the gall to take credit for saving our nation from financial ruin in 2008. Shameless.

But I got my revenge — well, sort of. I approached almost every employee in the museum and sweetly asked, “But where is the famous ‘Mission Accomplished’ photo?” Some of the employees actually had the good grace to blush.

My advice to any of you wannabe tourists in Dallas? Don’t never plan to go to the Bush Presidential Library unless you bring your own barf bag. All those lies could make you actually physically sick.

PS: What also makes me sick at heart is that Leonard Peltier, a true American Native hero and leader, has been languishing away in various maximum-security prisons, lock-downs and solitary confinements for the last 50-odd years for a crime that he didn’t commit — while that lying bastard GWB is having a good old time living the good life in Dallas’s ultra-rich Highland Park part of town.

If there was any fear of the wrath of God in America at all or any Christians left in this god-forsaken land, their situations would be totally reversed.

PPS: When I was an embedded reporter in Iraq and also blogging everywhere from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, I never even imagined that America could ever manage to have a worse person in the White House than GWB….






November 15, 2019

To paraphrase Joe Biden, “Gaza has a right to defend itself”

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jane Stillwater @ 3:55 pm

When you were a little kid, did the schoolyard bully try to steal your lunch money?

When Hitler invaded Poland, did the Poles have a right to fight back?

When terrorists bombed the Twin Towers on 9-11, Americans felt violated, naked, afraid — and pissed off.

When I was attacked by a wannabe rapist with a knife to my throat and he told me, “Don’t scream,” guess what I did?

This week, impeachment proceedings in Congress have taken up much of our news cycle. But somewhere in the deep recesses of FaceBook there are sad photos of babies in Gaza being blown up by Zionists wielding huge missiles and bombs.

Doesn’t Gaza have a right to defend itself too?

Don’t the West Bank, Palestine and even Syria and Yemen also have a right to defend themselves?

Let’s stop paying these vicious Zionist schoolyard bullies the blood money that they use to attack and metaphorically rape the defenseless people of Gaza again and again.


Stop Wall Street and War Street from destroying our world.  And while you’re at it, please buy my books:

November 13, 2019

Homelessness in Dallas: Dangerous symptom of a deadly national epidemic

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jane Stillwater @ 5:15 pm


I arrived in downtown Dallas on a furiously cold windy wet rain-soaked night, so cold that teardrops almost froze to my face as I desperately searched for the bus stop that would take me to my friend’s warm cozy nest in Oak Cliff. I asked everyone that I met on the street, “Where can I catch the #21 bus?”

And every single person I met that night was homeless. Soon the #21 bus arrived and I gratefully climbed aboard, into the light and the warmth. But for the homeless people I left behind me? They were faced with the sole option of spending an entire night in this frozen gunk.

I had just flown in from Berkeley, CA, where homelessness is a real problem. We have numerous tent cities, homeless encampments and homeless shelters there. But now I’m here in Dallas and things here are even worse.

It then became instantly clear to me that homelessness isn’t just some low-level outbreak in just a few cities. It’s a freaking national epidemic. It’s everywhere in America. And it’s highly contagious. Far worse than the so-called measles epidemic, where perhaps four (4) people died last year. Even worse than the horrific AIDS epidemic, where 15,807 people died. 1,047 homeless people died last year — in Los Angeles County alone. Even despite all that California sunshine.

A lot of the homeless people I met here in Dallas were older Black men, intentional products of America’s endless conveyor belt of racism and discrimination. But a lot of them looked just like you and me — only with a shopping cart and shabby clothes instead of haute couture from Macy’s or Target. Homelessness is highly contagious here in America today. You and I could catch it too.

We could catch it from our bosses, from our government, from the billionaires who exploit us, from banksters, from student-loan sharks, from our children’s lack of education and even from our freaking healthcare medical plans.

In America, no place is safe from the homelessness germ.

But the truly sad part of this story is that the our Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta is doing nothing to prevent this terrible contagion from spreading! In a country gone mad with its addiction to vaccinations, how come there is absolutely no vaccine against being homeless? No vaccine against a disease far more deadly than measles and HIV combined? Don’t tell me that there are no homeless people in Atlanta. We all know better than that.

Victims of this deadly plague in Berkeley, Dallas and even Atlanta are not just lone samples in a petri dish somewhere in a medical lab. They are the canaries in the coal mine. You and me could easily be next.

C’mon, CDC, show us some grit. Build houses. Provide shelters. Give out weighted blankets and front door keys and central heating and bathtubs. Bring all those trillions of American dollars back from Israel and Iraq. Let Afghanistan and Syria sort out their own problems. Give that money to Berkeley and Dallas.

PS: Have you ever heard of Dallas’s Silicon Prairie? It’s a totally weird place. I was taking public transit in from the airport and suddenly right out in the middle of nowhere there were about 10,000 new high-end townhouses and condos, sprung up like mushrooms. Get my point? Housing can be easily provided. In a hurry. Even for the homeless. In a prefect world. “I want a Perfect World so bad!” cried Jesus.

PPS: From the top of Dallas’s high-rise Reunion Tower, I looked out over all of Dallas’s sprawling urban metroplex, floating far down beneath my feet. And what did I see? Freeways. Lots and lots of freeways. It looked as if at least one third of Dallas’s former housing stock had been horribly disfigured and decimated in order to put in this bloodless and useless freeway octopus. Let’s tear it all down and build housing instead. Let’s stop this deadly epidemic in its tracks.

Let’s get our priorities straight.

PPS: How can Americans keep swallowing that bare-faced lie that President Assad of Syria is an evil dictator? At least in Syria, people aren’t systematically made homeless like they are here in the U.S.A. under our current government-by-oligarchs as our jobs melt away to Haiti and Bangladesh. In fact, the only way that a person in Syria can end up homeless is after we Americans and our partners in crime ISIS, the Zionists and the Saudis have bombed the shite out of his or her home.

November 8, 2019

My trip to Dallas: Lee Harvey Oswald’s big mistake was crying “Patsy” in a crowded theater!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jane Stillwater @ 3:25 pm


Dallas TX is actually a far more complex, diverse, interesting and rewarding city than just merely the location where President Kennedy got shot. But. Here in Dallas I seem to be constantly running into reminders of that tragic and fateful day back in November of 1963. Even my first introduction to Dallas involved driving past Parkland Hospital while taking public transit in from the airport.

“Have you gone to the top of the Reunion Tower yet,” suggested one long-time Dallas native. Okay. I’ll do that. But, sure enough, 40 stories above the Dallas skyline there was an exhibit about the brutal murder of JFK including photos of his motorcade right before he was shot — showing the empty back bumper where his Secret Service agents were spozed to have stood but didn’t. Shame on them.

“Did you go see the Old Red Museum?” It was nice. But right next to it was the Kennedy Memorial. I stood inside it and cried while a group of millennials next to me happily snapped photos for their Instagram pages, never really understanding the dark truth of the place — that Camelot had been stolen from them as well as from me. Never realizing that since that time, our White House, the very symbol of America itself, has been mostly occupied by a sorry bunch of bottom-feeders such as a depressed egomaniac, a lying crook, a B-list actor with Alzheimers, two war-mongering Bush-league types, a couple of hypocrites and a reality-show host.

I cried for the millennials. I cried for America. I cried for my grandchildren. I cried for me.

Moving on. I’m currently staying in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas, famous for its Jefferson District, home to all sorts of delicious-looking Mexican restaurants. I’ve been eating lots of tamales and street tacos and menudo and elotes. Heavenly. And four blocks away from me is the Texas Theater — where Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested. And I have the souvenir T-shirt to prove it too.

“Have you been to the Bishop Arts District?” It turns out to be within walking distance of Oswald’s former rooming house, now a museum. But the owner wanted $40 a pop for a tour so I only took photos from outside. And last night a Dallas TV channel showed “Jackie”. Who wouldn’t cry after watching Natalie Portman desperately trying to push JFK’s brains back into his head.

“Have you visited the Bush Presidential Library?” Don’t even remind me of how far we have fallen since Jack and Jackie made the White House stand for America’s best self. America has never been that great again since — and it’s certainly far from great now.

So. Did Lee Harvey Oswald actually fire the actual bullet that murdered Camelot? Probably not. But he should have kept his mouth shut. He should never have shouted “Patsy” — thus causing the CIA, the FBI and various presidential wannabes to panic and stampede toward the exits, dragging Jacob Rubenstein along with them.

PS: At the wonderful BoucherCon book conference I’m attending here in Dallas, I also met author Christopher Brown and he supplied me with the perfect Orwellian word for what is happening in America both at this time and in the near future. “Dystopia”. To quote the Lone Star Literary’s review of his latest book, Rule of Capture, “Brown has taken all the dissonant noise [that is America today] and distilled it, then extrapolated to a possible logical [but horrifying] endpoint.”

And the roots of America’s dystopian tree started to grow even more robustly on the day that Kennedy was murdered. And these roots have been growing stronger and stronger ever since as more and more oligarchs in Washington clearly realize that they can do almost anything and get away with it — as long has they can generate “plausible deniability” like they did in Dallas.

Isn’t it time that we Americans cut that dystopian tree off at its roots?

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