Stop Wall Street and War Street (and Big Pharma) from destroying our world. And while you’re at it, please buy my books. https://www.amazon.com/Jane-Stillwater/e/B00IW6O1RM
Stop Wall Street and War Street (and Big Pharma) from destroying our world. And while you’re at it, please buy my books. https://www.amazon.com/Jane-Stillwater/e/B00IW6O1RM
Madam Jane looked into her crystal ball this afternoon and then told me the good news. “This mask-wearing lock-down nightmare is finally coming to an end!” she happily declared. Man oh man, that is really good news!
“Well. The World Economic Forum, better known as the Davos Boyz, just met with that other old-boys’ club the Federal Reserve and with the president of China and Bill Gates and Dr. Fasci and Joe Biden. They had originally thought that scaring Americans into giving up their freedom, their rights, their jobs, their children’s futures, their property and their moolah was gonna be a walk in the park.” They did have a point there. Americans do love them some brainwashing. Just look at that sorry-arse “war” on Iraq.
“The Darth Vaders and Voldemorts and Gollums of this world are only biding their time. Mark my words! They will try this whole mess again in a few years. Maybe another plague. Maybe another so-called war. Hell, maybe even an alien invasion from outer space. Not really sure. My crystal ball has just clouded up. But whatever they try to scare us with next, they will never stop until….” Until what!?!?!
The gullibility of Americans: https://off-guardian.org/2021/01/24/the-will-to-believe-americans-and-their-divine-masters/
Indian farmers finally say “Enough!”: https://off-guardian.org/2021/01/23/indian-farmers-on-the-frontline-against-global-capitalism/
Stop Wall Street and War Street (and Big Pharma) from destroying our world. And while you’re at it, please buy my books. https://www.amazon.com/Jane-Stillwater/e/B00IW6O1RM
“First we stopped at a gas station near Modesto to stock up on psychedelic essentials — bottled water, toilet paper, lottery tickets and Fritos.” Why toilet paper? “The shaman told us that our bodies purge themselves in various ways during the ceremony. Coughing, sneezing, diarrhea, throwing up, burps and farts. No bodily function is off the table.”
“Go for long walks. Visit the library. Smell the flowers. And wait for me to send you some tasks. But it’s not only just you, my dear. Every single human being on the planet needs to turn off his/her/their tech toys too.” That’s gonna be a very hard sell. “Get out in your community. Hug your neighbors. Think local for goodness sake. High tech equals slow death. Fact.”
PS: Since so many high-tech companies have been pushing the lock-down so hard and Google has even told its employees that they will be working from home at least until July (and even after all those untested free-home-trial vaccine shots have given us the shakes and a fever), it seems only fair that all those hundreds of empty tech company “campuses” should be put to good use to house people who have been made homeless by said lock-down.
It gambles with our money but unless you have publicly-traded stock on Wall Street, no Federal Reserve trillions are headed your way. It’s a rigged game — in favor of large corporations. The rest us can only get ready to drown in a sea of debt. Too bad for us.
If you are content to be constantly swept away by all those anecdotal horror stories on the evening news every night, please read no further. But in the interest of balanced reporting some of us might be interested in other points of view. For instance, Dr. David Martin has some interesting insights into the new experimental COVID vaccine.
Dr. Martin states that, “This is not a vaccine. [Its manufacturers] have used the term ‘vaccine’ to force their product through various government public health requirements. This is not a vaccine. It’s mRNA packaged in an envelope that is delivered to our cells. It is a medical device designed to stimulate human cells into becoming pathogen creators.
“’Vaccine’ is a legally defined term under public health law and CDC and FDA standards. A vaccine specifically has to stimulate both the immunity within the person receiving it and also disrupt transmission. And that’s not what happens here. [Manufacturers] have been abundantly clear that the mRNA strand going into our cells is not designed to stop transmission. Thus it is a treatment. But if it is a treatment, then people might start to ask, ‘What other treatments are there?’ The use of the term ‘vaccine’ here is contrary to the legal definition and also narrows free discourse on the subject.
“Further, if we said we are going to give you prophylactic chemotherapy for a cancer you don’t yet have, we’d be laughed out of the room because it’s a stupid idea. But that’s exactly what this is — a mechanical device in the form of a very small package of technology that is being inserted into the human system to activate the cell to become a pathogen manufacturing site.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?utm_source=sendfox&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=final-reminder-focus-on-fauci-added-livestream-locations&v=bZdMFSFfqeQ&feature=youtu.be
“By locking us all down, we stop moving, stop learning, stop thinking. Our minds become set in stone.”
COVID is definitely keeping me busy these days — but in a different way than one would think. Our totally inappropriate lock-down is keeping me busy being pissed off.
Everything you want to know about COVID statistics: https://adapnation.io/154-dr-clare-craig-covid-science/?fbclid=IwAR1Ep4hhwnHid7bAbcWV5ujK2UUf5G3_nm9yLEMyYtF64IUKJ6g66hvKosk
Everything you would want to know about the lock-down’s horrid effect on the economy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrFEVjZ0m0U
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