
November 29, 2021

Spinoza on the subject of trans-human AI: “There is still hope”

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jane Stillwater @ 11:24 pm

     Back in the seventeenth century, a philosopher named Baruch Spinoza studied the many facets of Mankind — and concluded that all human beings are essentially alike.  We are all human.  However, even though us humans are capable of doing all kinds of cool stuff, we still can never grow tails like a lion or produce oranges like a fruit tree.

     Yeah duh, Baruch.  Boring and obvious stuff.  Yawn.  Didn’t Spinoza have anything better to do with his time besides stating the obvious?  No TV to watch?  No fast cars or jet planes?  Poor guy.

     But then along comes Klaus Schwab and his Evil Globalist Bastards, desperately trying to shoot us all up with graphene oxide and turn us into 5G-driven robots.  “You will own nothing and you will be happy,” according to Klaus.
     “But Jane,” you might say, “that’s all just a nasty rumor.  Conspiracy theory.  Misinformation.”  Maybe….  But….  What if it isn’t misinformation?  What if trans-humanism is actually the Evil Globalist Bastards’ actual plan like they keep telling us it is and we take them at their word?  Then what?
     Spinoza to the rescue!
     “No matter how hard the E.G.B. cartel tries to turn humans beings into artificial intelligence robots, they can never truly and totally succeed.  Why?  Because in the end, human beings can only be human.”

     Thanks, Baruch, for allowing us to be just a little bit hopeful — hopeful that even though it might seem like both ourselves and our children actually are fated to become happy robotic sock puppets, that even then, somewhere deep down inside the core of us robots, the essence of being human will still exist.

     Sorry, Klaus & Friends, but no matter how hard you try, some of us will still manage to stay human.
PS:  Philosopher Rene Descartes was all about being reasonable.  “Reason Reason Reason!” he cried back in the 1600s.  And thus if Descartes were alive today, it would make absolutely no sense to him at all for Big Pharma to put graphene oxide, a known toxin, into all its COV$D shots.

     And it would make even less sense to him for doctors to give Moderna-Pfizer-Janssen jabs to little kids who are in zero danger from dying from COV$D or to give COV$D jabs to folks who had already had COV$D or to pregnant women — unless of course Big Pharma did it all for the money.  Descartes would clearly see the reasonableness behind that.

PPS:  The philosopher John Locke also tells us that the sole purpose of government is to serve the people it governs.  “Government” as a rational idea is a good thing, according to Locke — but today’s Evil Globalist Bastards have kidnapped our government and are holding it for ransom in Davos.
And a bit of humor always helps:
Sophie’s World, a novel about philosophy that makes Spionoza easier to understand (but it’s still a hard slog):
James Corbett gets all philosophical.  Spinoza would approve:  The Great Conspiracy Debate on Grand Theft World

And of course Allison McDowell always nails it when it comes to nanobots in our bloodstream and other mysterious things:  Blockchain Keys To A Murky Metaverse – Interview With Bonnie Faulkner of Guns and Butter WBAI

As Michael Franti and Mazim Qumsiyah remind us, “Stay Human!”:
“The COV$D vaccine is a gimmick”:–3ozLiEo

This interview with Dr McCullough is on a right-wing web site but there will soon be no difference between right and left as we all start to fight for our lives against the EGBs.  “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.



Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.   And while you’re at it, please buy my books.

November 10, 2021

Dominoes starting to fall: America’s slo-mo slide into bankruptcy

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jane Stillwater @ 4:14 pm


     “Our local dollar store just went out of business,” said my neighbor.  Oh, no!  Where am I going to get cheap holiday decorations for my front door!

      “Its shelves are now completely empty, but they were partially empty even before the store closed due to shipping bottlenecks.”  That makes sense.  Almost everything that Americans own these days is clearly stamped “Made in China” and a lot of shipping bottlenecks are involved between there and here.  We basically rely on China for our lifestyle.  Without access to Chinese manufacturers, we are totally screwed — but a lot of that access no longer exists.

     And yet even despite our heavy reliance on China, we are being constantly told to hate the Chinese.  Evening news commentators and online pundits are constantly beating their drums for a war between us and them.  But the American economy doesn’t run on Dunkin’.  It runs on container ships from Asia.  Declaring war on China would be like McDonalds declaring war on burgers and fries.  Economic dominoes have started to fall.
Sidebar:  According to Google, over four billion syringes filled with The Vaxx have already been administered worldwide (so far).  And where do those billions of disposable syringes come from?  China!  For instance, the JN Medical Device Company in Anhui, China, will only fill orders for over 360,000 syringes.  And also how come nobody at the Glasgow climate conference has asked where all those billions of disposable syringes are actually being disposed of?
     Then I went shopping at Trader Joe’s yesterday.  Five of the items on my list were not available.  The shelves were bare.  “What happened here?” I asked one of those friendly guys in Hawaiian T-shirts.  Same old story.  “Breakdown in the supply chain.”  No canned pumpkin, steel-cut oats or organic spinach for me.

     Next, let’s look at those pesky Nuremberg-Code-violating vaccine mandates that have also affected our economy negatively.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans are quitting their jobs rather than get vaxxed.  And the COV$D scare itself has cut a grim-reaper swath through our economy, right?  300,000 more Americans went on unemployment just last week.  605 days of being locked down for no scientifically-justifiable reason has devastated America’s small businesses.  A disease that can be cured by early treatment with Ivermectin and Vitamin D has pretty much cut our economy off at the knees.  Many more dominoes have fallen.

     And while we are busy looking over our shoulders at the COV$D train wreck, the Federal Reserve has just stolen nine trillion dollars from us after we stopped paying attention.
     But whatever has caused this horrific domino effect, where exactly are America’s economic dominoes going to fall?  And when?  How can we predict when these falling dominoes will sweep down our street too, taking us along with them?  And how can we protect ourselves when they do sweep over us like the legendary Galveston Flood?  Hint:  Don’t ask.  We are not supposed to ask these kinds of questions.  We are only supposed to gratefully obey or else be accused of killing grandma or being a Q-Anon goon rather than an informed intelligent American.
      Currently, most Americans have willingly participated in all of this COV$D craziness — because they are afraid.  And yet we clearly have far more to fear than just some nasty flu bug.  We need to truly fear seeing our economy ripped to shreds.  And what about that handful of evil globalist bastards who have joyfully set all these deadly economic dominoes in motion?  They do not even care.  And obviously Americans don’t seem to care about anything but COV$D either — as our economy is being destroyed in slo-mo.
Our true economic reality sucks eggs:

We are being brainwashed big time.  How to recognize propaganda when you see it:  How to Disarm Propaganda – Mark Crispin Miller on #SolutionsWatch : The Corbett Report

A patent attorney notes that both The Virus and The Jab were both patented years ago.  This game of dominoes has been in play for the last decade at least:

Winner take all and the winner is not us.  Sorry, you lose.  Tyrants win:
OMG, you don’t even want to know what is happening in Scotland (but I’ll tell you anyway).  In a fully vaccinated country, the death rate just went up 30%:
And of course Greg Mannarino always tells us the economic truth — but with a dramatic flare:

What’s Left?  Diego Rivera may have had it all wrong.  Technology might not be our friend after all:

And a real actual medical doctor describes the entire COV$D-slash-Vaccine mess in just seven minutes:

November 2, 2021

Booster shot after booster shot: If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jane Stillwater @ 2:09 pm
     I’m about to run out the door to Walgreens and get my first Pfizer shot, my first Moderna shot and even my very first shot of J&J.  Don’t try to stop me!
     And then after that, I’m also going to get my first booster shot ASAP.  And the next one after that too — ad infinitum.

     What changed my mind?  What changed me from being a proud anti-vaxxer to becoming the world’s greatest cheerleader for Moderna?  Science changed my mind!  A scientist friend of mine said, “Our human bodies were never meant to get all those vaccines.”  And then, after re-watching that infamous 2010 TED talk by Bill Gates about wanting to eliminate a few billion people by use of vaccines (and also after watching The Invasion of the Body Snatchers on Halloween), I suddenly realized that Gates and his evil globalist bastard cohorts have been deliberately making interesting plans for us “useless eaters” for over a decade.
     Ya think they’re not trying to kill us?  First watch this video and then get back to me:
      Apparently, however, just one dose of their magic vaccine was supposed to get rid of all us Useless Eaters — and yet we are still here?  Que milagro!  Hurray for the human race!  Freaking resilient even despite all the gunk in those shots!
     Was it eugenics that kept us alive?  Survival of the fittest?  Guess we are all a lot stronger than those evil globalist bastards thought.  Their Plan A failed.  Time to switch to Plan B — give us yet another booster shot of that gunk and just keep on doing it until only themselves and their A.I. robots are left.

     But what can I myself do to stop all this carnage?  Little old me?  Apparently nothing.  Everybody in my neighborhood already hates me for even trying to act like Paul Revere.  “The Bastards are coming!  The Bastards are coming!”  So I’ve decided to stop fighting the inevitable and join the rest of us pod people — become one of the Vaccinated too.  Who wants to be the only moral person, sad and lonely, left on earth?  If all of the world’s useless eaters are gonna have to die off together, then I wanna join them and die too.  Goodbye cruel world, I’m off to visit Walgreens!

PS:  Are you depressed?  Bankrupt?  Homeless?  Hungry?  Unemployed?  There’s always a way out of your misery — suicide by booster shot!
PPS:  Once I get a couple of those shots inside of me, I will be like Father Damien, that priest who heroically preached to the lepers of Moloka’i — until one day he said,  “Now I am one of you too.”

PPPS:  Those evil globalist bastards weren’t so naive after all.  Some of them must have known that just one Jab wouldn’t get the job done, and so they were thinking ahead just in case –  at the very beginning of this vaccine frenzy they made space on our COV$D-19 Record Cards for at least four doses.

Halloween was a great time to watch The Invasion of the Body Snatchers — and then run out and get your Boo-ster shot!

That infamous TED talk:  “The world today has 6.8 billion people.  That’s headed up to about nine billion.  Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”

Some vaxx batches are benign while other batches are killers.  Which states got the killer batches?  We may never know.  Or perhaps VAERS deaths were just under-reported in some of our states?

And our human immune systems are getting into more and more trouble these days.

Day 598 of this COV$D craziness?  We have far more to fear than just a nasty flu bug.  Our true economic reality sucks eggs:


Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.   And while you’re at it, please buy my books.


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