
September 27, 2007

Save The Lesser Long-nosed Bat! -Grim

Filed under: Uncategorized — grimgold @ 12:10 pm

Well! The extremists among the environmentalists have finally begun to make noise about the building of the fence. Never mind that for years illegals and drug smugglers have torn up the “fragile desert ecosystem.”

Remember when environmentalists declared you could still see the wagon wheel ruts made in 1850 leading to the west coast? But where were they when the Mexicans were trashing Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument as they have been over the last few decades? Hiding in the closet with the feminists who wouldn’t speak up about the stonings and beatings Moslem women routinely die from?

But now that a fence is finally being started along our southern border, here they come: “Oh, the fence will stop the jaguars!” This in spite of the fact that only four have been spotted north of the border in the last three decades. This could be because the large cats don’t like humans and so have been chased off by drug-smugglers noisily roaring across the border in their four wheel drive vehicles.

“Oh, but how about the Lesser Long-nose Bat? The fence might damage some bat habitat!”

Yeah? Then how about putting up a fence to keep illegals’ vehicles from sending up clouds of dust, covering the cactus flowers these nectar bats feed on?
What’s the matter with these people? Can’t they see that uncontrolled traffic is hurting the very animals they want to protect?

Below are selections from a news story concerning the damage caused by not having a fence:  Fires are only one of several kinds of environmental damages to Federal lands along the border resulting from illegal immigration, according to the report. Others are:
• New roads and trails made by illegal aliens and drug smugglers, damaging vegetation and dislocating wildlife in historical sites such in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument;
• Massive amounts of human waste and garbage left behind by illegals at known pickup points pose a threat to human, plant, and animal life in the area;
• The pygmy owl and pima pineapple cactus, whose habitats are on the Federal lands have both been placed on the endangered species list;
• Repeated cutting of farmers’ fences, allowing valuable cattle to wander, as well as damaging water supplies and equipment.

Many visitors no longer camp at Coronado National Forest or visit Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument due to confrontations with illegal immigrants. Recently, the number of immigrants was over 100 times the number of citizens that had legally obtained a back country permits in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument.

Massive illegal immigration has inflicted serious damage on the 516 square miles of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, once an environmental gem. If you were to pick any point at the monument and walk three miles in any direction, you would find 9 water bottles, 7 pieces of litter, 4 tire tracks, and 4 places where major damage has been wrought, according to a recent study.” (

What’s wrong with these people? In light of these facts shouldn’t the environmentalists be loudly clamoring for a fence?

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