
October 2, 2007

John Bolton

Filed under: Commentary — alex @ 9:04 am

We’re Going to Have a War Because This Clown Says So?

“Because life is about choices, I think we have to consider the use of military force.” – John Bolton
Life is about choices? Why should we choose to listen to this bloodthirsty warmonger? Bolton and his friends
will make a lot of money if the US starts murdering Iranian children. Is that a good reason to choose to start
a war? Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians may die because we let people like Bolton direct policy.

Attention : US Congress

John Bolton and his neo-conservative friends have shown themselves to be dangerous radicals.
They must not be appeased. Please stand up! Your country is already in plenty of trouble because you chose
to listen to people like Bolton the last time that war drums were beating. Please show some wisdom.
I pray that you have learned from your past mistakes. Don’t start the war that will end your nation.

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