
October 2, 2007

The Tattlesnake — Panning Greenspan’s Pandering, Bush’s Creeping Hand, Rush’s Creepy Glands, and GOP Prez Test Edition

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion — RS Janes @ 9:04 am

Plus: The Hell with Mattel’s New and Improved (Klaus) Barbie Doll — “Now with Lead Paint!”

“Greenspan’s ‘I was against it, even when I acted like I was for it’ attempt at the irrational exhumation of his reputation is laughable but hasn’t stopped the book from getting massive attention.” [...]
“It was in his narrow self-interest to cheerlead for Bush in 2001, so he did it. Now the country — and most of the world — has turned on Bush, and Greenspan sees it is in his self-interest to distance himself from Bush.”
– Arianna Huffington, “New Books By Alan Greenspan and Naomi Klein: One is Prophetic, One is Pathetic,” The Huffington Post, Sept. 26, 2007.

– Instead of “The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World,” why didn’t ex-Fed head Alan Greenspan just title his new book, “It Ain’t My Fault!”? I haven’t read the pack of lies yet but, judging from excerpts and witnessing his performances on talk shows — including a remarkable bit of fatuous and bewildering free trade babbling on Democracy Now recently that left host Amy Goodman and guest Naomi Klein grinning in disbelief – most of it is simply a lengthy series of excuses to exculpate him from responsibility for an ongoing market collapse that his policies helped shape. “It Ain’t My Fault!” would have been a more honest and straightforward title, although I realize that approach would be a drastic departure for the former Fed chief and current Mr. Andrea Mitchell.

– Beware the Creeping Hand: This is an actual note then-Vice President George H. W. Bush (the Elder) wrote to wife Barbara when he was the Republican candidate for president in 1988, running against Democrat Michael Dukakis. From the book, “My Dear President: Letters Between Presidents and Their Wives” by Gerard W. Gawalt (Black Dog & Leventhal, publishers), as seen in the Readings section of Harper’s magazine, October 2007 issue.

Please look at how Mike and Kitty do it. Try to be closer in, more — well, er, romantic — on camera. I am practicing the loving look, and the creeping hand. Yours for better TV and more demonstrable affection.
Your sweetie-pie-coo-coo.
Love ya,

The question: What in hell is ‘the creeping hand’?

– Don’t let thyself imagine for a moment that the GOP or Dems will invoke any Senate Censure on Rush Limbaugh for calling active-duty or retired military who oppose Bush’s disaster-for-profit in Iraq “phony soldiers.” That condemnation is only reserved for the left side of the aisle, wincing hypocrisy being among the greatest accomplishments, perhaps the only one, of the current Republican Party. Of course, the man who has been a broadcasting pain in the ass for over twenty years since he stumbled on the idea of blaming straw-man liberalism for ‘everything what ails ya,’ was never a phony or any other kind of soldier. Back in the days when we were in mired in Vietnam, chickenhawk Rush spared his fat white hindquarters from the rigors of combat duty thanks to ‘anal cysts’ that got him out of the draft. But let us be lenient on the blubbering boob; anal cysts are said to be very painful — no doubt doubly so when your head is firmly lodged next to them.

Update: Limbaugh now denies the remark’s intention and context and <em>airs an edited tape</em> (Paging Mr. Orwell!) on his show to prove he never called the troops who don’t agree with Bush’s war “phony soldiers.” Read the incredible story here.

– Keep Dreaming: Before another provincial GOP know-nothing can run for president — and, yes, I’m talking about Rudy, Mitt and Fred in particular here — he has to pass a test that should have been conducted on Little Bush in 2000: Without advance preparation, the candidate must stand before a world map with the borders of the countries outlined and write in the names of each nation and its leader. The candidate gets a point for each correct answer, and a point deducted for each wrong answer. Bonus points for such things as prominent religion, political party, economic system and major exports. You want to be the leader of the free world, you ought to know something about it. Any score below 90 percent correct, and the candidate agrees to quit the race and head back home to the annoy the family. Of course, this same test would apply to the Dems, as well. Let’s thin the herd of presidential candidates who don’t know Austria from Australia — and, yes, I’m talking about Junior here. That this test may leave the GOP with only one viable presidential candidate — that being Rep. Ron Paul — is only to the nation’s advantage.

– Kneel to Your Masters, Toy Boys: An anxious senior Mattel Toys exec hastily flies to Asia to apologize to the ‘people for China’ for them shipping toxic toys to the US? Whoa. Well, at least now we know who’s in charge. 65 percent of ‘all-American’ Mattel’s products are now manufactured in China, and the corporation’s opening a $30 million Barbie store in Shanghai. Screw these idiots: Tell your friends and family: Don’t buy Mattel products for your kids — let them sell their poison-paint Barbie dolls to the Chinese market for Xmas.

Copyright 2007 R.S. Janes. This article previously appeared at

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