
October 2, 2007

GOP Hack Introduces Congressional Resolution Commending Rush “phony soldiers” Limbaugh

Filed under: News — Volt @ 10:53 am

Think Progress, October 1, 2007

Today, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) gave a speech on the Senate floor condemning Rush Limbaugh for calling troops who support American withdrawal from Iraq “phony soldiers.” He urged his colleagues – both Democratic and Republican – to sign a letter of disapproval to the CEO of Clear Channel.

Instead, Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) – who voted to criticize – has decided to commend Limbaugh. Today at 3:16 PM, Kingston introduced a resolution “[c]ommending Rush Hudson Limbaugh III for his ongoing public support of American troops serving both here and abroad.”

From the resolution:

Whereas Mr. Limbaugh”s commitment to American troops serving both here and abroad remains as strong as ever: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives-

(1) recognizes Rush Hudson Limbaugh III for his support of the Marine Corp Law Enforcement Foundation and for providing free subscriptions for active-duty servicemembers;

(2) recognizes Mr Limbaugh”s desire to see American troops achieve a successful outcome in Iraq, Afghanistan and wherever soldiers are stationed; and

(3) commends Mr. Limbaugh”s tireless public support for American troops and their families through radio broadcasts, fundraising and other public support.

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1 Comment

  1. Its unpatriotic to disrespect the troops
    if you are a liberal.
    The Shut the Fuck Up (STFU) war marches on.
    Its unpatriotic to disrespect the troops
    in the war for STFU if you are a liberal.

    Comment by Rainlander — October 2, 2007 @ 2:20 pm

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