
October 2, 2007

The coming strike on Iran

Filed under: Uncategorized — mmorrow @ 9:15 pm

There is a strange calm in the nation – the calm before the storm. People have become inured to the daily costs of war in Iraq – probably because it doesn’t cost them anything – yet. Things will change when we – yes, we – attack Iran. The United States Navy is a formidable force, and with their three carrier groups, they will no doubt be able to strike the targets they wish. I am sure they have plans to keep the gulf open for oil tankers, as well.

After having broken the Army, Reserves, and National Guard, we – yes, we – will have now stretched the Navy to the breaking point. When we – yes we – strike Iran, we will be forced to rush more ships and sailors to the gulf to replace the naval ships sunken by suicide bombers in small boats, as well as Halliburton teams to raise sunken tankers.

There is a small upside to this scenario, however. It will prove without a doubt that a government controlled military is inefficient, and unable to keep up with the current military requirements. It will be necessary to go to private military contractors, which can operate without the onerous oversight requirements.

1 Comment

  1. The bid for war with Iran is bullshit!
    If not then what country is actually going to be
    doing the liberating?
    The nation of Blackwateria?
    I dont think so.
    The reason for it is only to frame the debate
    for the upcoming elections.
    It’s the old redistricting strategery to favor the rethugligoons.
    You dont want Hillary to lead this country in a time of war now,do You? is coming soon.
    Listen for it.

    Comment by Rainlander — October 5, 2007 @ 1:37 am

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