
October 3, 2007

Bush vetoes children’s healthcare bill

Filed under: Opinion — N @ 12:10 pm

Today, President Bush vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have dramatically expanded children’s health insurance. Bush’s veto is typical  for a president that is as clueless as a kindergartner on their first day of school.  

The bill Bush vetoed, The Children’s Health Insurance Program, would have provided greater access to health insurance for over 6.6 million people, mostly children. Bush’s rational for vetoing the bill was that he, “believes in private medicine, not the federal government running the health care system.” Problem with Bush’s rationale is that private health insurance systems are not meeting the needs of these people. Because of this, people are unable to go to the doctor regularly and instead use hospital emergency rooms, a move that costs tax payers and the government millions of dollars every year. 

Bush also believes that the Democrats plan is a move toward socialized medicine, an area he clearly doesn’t want to go to. However, if Bush had a clue about the healthcare system in America he would already know that the government provides health insurance for millions of people in states all across the country. 

What Bush didn’t have a problem doing was pushing for billions of dollars for his failed, bloody invasion of Iraq. So Bush’s brain works like this. Spend no money and destroy the health of  a large segment of the population and then spend billions of dollars to destroy an entire country its people and its culture. Sounds like a no brainer to me.

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