
October 4, 2007

Farmers Still Being Payed Not To Grow Food? -The Grim

Filed under: Uncategorized — grimgold @ 6:35 am

2007 Farm Bill Progress: Senate Finance Chair Baucus
Outlines Ag Tax Package

By Frank Zaworski, Grainnet
“September 12, 2007 Rep. Jerry Moran, R-KS submitted to the House Agriculture Committee an amendment to the 2007 farm bill that would allow farmers to plant cellulose ethanol crops such as switchgrass on land that the government pays to keep fallow.”

What?!? The federal government is still paying farmers not to grow crops?

I have a great, new idea – get the federal government out of farming.
Let the states take care of its farmers.

Farmers have huge new markets stemming from ethanol and biodiesel. They need no federal subsidies.

Besides, with its track record, the federal government has proven itself the most stupid, wasteful, dishonest way to help farmers.

No more federal subsidies! And absolutely no more paying millionaire farmers not to grow food!

Let’s get the federal government out of farming. Let the states take care of their own.

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