
October 4, 2007

Girl Gone Mild: Being Jenna Bush

Filed under: Opinion — Volt @ 10:13 am

Skip Hollandsworth, Texas Monthly, November 2007

I assume the Secret Service agents will arrive first, checking out everyone in sight. But suddenly the door opens, and in she comes, all alone, dressed casually in an inexpensive gray dress with a matching cotton sweater, her sandy-blond hair held back with a rubber band.

“So is this okay? Mexican food?” asks Jenna Bush. “I figured it might make you feel more at home.”

It’s a mild July evening in Washington, D.C., and Jenna has agreed to meet me for dinner at the upscale Oyamel Cocina restaurant, between the Capitol and the White House, where Jenna is, as she likes to say, “living with the folks.” When I ask her why her Secret Service detail is not with her, she shrugs and says, “I made them drop me off at the corner. I don’t want to cause a scene.”

At 25, she is a striking, slim young woman, her arms and legs perfectly toned thanks to daily 6 a.m. workouts at the White House gym or a health club she frequents. She is also unmistakably her father’s daughter, with the same brown eyes, the same good-natured grin that slides sideways across her face, and, yes, the same saucy personality, full of sardonic asides.

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  1. “THAT Manure Storm at Leroy’s Corral”
    Jenna and her sis would have fit right in?

    Comment by tsumbra — October 5, 2007 @ 9:11 am

  2. At 25, she is a striking, slim young woman, her arms and legs perfectly toned thanks to daily 6 a.m. workouts at the White House gym or a health club she frequents.

    I hope she’s getting ready for that tour of duty in Iraq.

    Comment by greyhawk — October 5, 2007 @ 9:14 am

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