
October 4, 2007

Idaho Senator Craig dares GOP to eat him

Filed under: Uncategorized — N @ 8:38 pm

Senator Larry Craig (R-Toe Tapper) announced today that he will not resign his Senate seat as he had previously indicated and instead will fulfill his term. Craig’s announcement came in the wake of today’s ruling by the State of Minnesota District Court Fourth Judicial District allowing the his guilty plea relating to soliciting sex in an airport bathroom to stand.

Five days ago I talked about how the GOP was threatening to have open hearings on the incident if Craig didn’t resign. Now Craig says he wants the opportunity to clear his name in front of the Senate Ethics Committee. What will the GOP leadership do? Will they go ahead and demand an investigation into one of their own to save themselves or will they look for some bullshit way out? It is more likely that regardless of how stupid they look, and they look pretty damn stupid already, there is no way Republicans in the Senate are going to roast Craig on an open spit. The threat didn’t work so the GOP are saddled with yet another scandal for the Democrats to use against them.



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