
October 6, 2007

Oral Roberts University Regents Call for New Audit of Roberts’ Family Spending

Filed under: News — Volt @ 7:16 pm

April Marciszewski, The Tulsa World, October 6, 2007

In response to allegations that Oral Roberts University money was misspent, regents decided on Friday to strengthen the university’s financial accountability by retaining an additional independent auditing firm.

“While I am confident that these ongoing efforts will confirm that the practices currently in place are complete and appropriate, I and the board of regents are committed to any and all recommendations and considerations made in order to place the university in the highest possible place beyond reproach,” ORU President Richard Roberts said in a written statement released after a two-hour meeting of the board’s executive committee on Friday night.

Roberts said he pays for his family’s personal expenses, contrary to allegations in a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Tulsa County District Court.

Three former ORU professors — John Swails, Tim Brooker and Paulita Brooker — filed the lawsuit against ORU, Roberts and three university administrators. The lawsuit includes a summary of a report allegedly developed by Roberts’ sister-in-law Stephanie Cantese that claims the Roberts family used ORU and Oral Roberts Ministries money for personal expenses.

Roberts’ written statement outlines current accountability measures for ORU and Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association finances.

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