
October 9, 2007

The “Democrat” Party

Filed under: Uncategorized — tsakshaug @ 12:15 pm

For the past several months, conservatives have been referring to the Democratic Party as the Democrat party. The term has “slipped” in to the president’s speeches, and may be on its way to becoming “natural” for some to use. There has been nary a peep from Democrats in regards to this. What should we do, before the name of our party has been taken away from us? Do we do as the leaders of our party have done and do nothing? This seems to be their answer to every slander, because it is not nice to call names. Do we become whiners, and say, “that’s not nice! It is Democratic Party”?

Whatever we do needs to be agreed upon and used. I am for using another name for the Republic Party. I have seen several mentioned over time, some may be considered in bad taste. I do not think we need to go over the line.

I propose we refer to the other party as the Repo Party.
Given the real estate foreclosure issues going on now, it is fitting.


  1. My “bad taste” name for Republicans comes from my modus operandi of taking whatever handjob tactic they’re using, multiply it by five, and then ram it down their throats in return.

    Democrats never try that – they should.

    Comment by Bart — October 9, 2007 @ 12:18 pm

  2. I’m old school
    I call a boot licking imperialistic running dog of the capitalist overlords a boot licking imperialistic running dog of the capitalist overlords and be done with it.

    Comment by greyhawk — October 9, 2007 @ 12:27 pm

  3. Bart, anything you do to bring about greater honesty and visibility in politics is okay with me in spite of the fact I’m not a Democratic.

    Greyhawk, concerning your phase ‘boot licking imperialistic running dawg of the capitalist overlords’ have you been reading Mao’s red book again? Stop it!

    Comment by grimgold — October 9, 2007 @ 1:12 pm

  4. The vile PigBoy has been using Democrat for years. I don’t really notice much of an uptick. Then again, how can you go past eleven on the screeching Reich wingnut meter?

    I use Republican’t myself. It helps remind me that there’s one party that can’t be responsible with taxpayers’ money; that can’t tell the truth about their activities as representatives of the citizens of the nation; that can’t stop being hypocrites; and that can’t admit to making mistakes: the Republican’ts.

    And I plan to use it as long as the Republican’ts have been abusing the name of the Democratic Party. I used to use Repugnicants (because they are!) but I like Republican’ts better these days.

    Share and Enjoy!

    Comment by Tom — October 9, 2007 @ 5:57 pm

  5. I grew up with the term “Democrat.” Maybe that’s because I was raised by Fundamentalists. Maybe I would have been better off with wolves…or that could be the tequila talking.

    Comment by idealistferret — October 9, 2007 @ 7:58 pm

  6. I’m a BartCop subscriber, but this is my first post to the blog. I was inspired by this topic finally to join the discussion.

    The smear “Democrat party” has actually been around for a lot longer than several months. In fact, that deliberate misusage has been in circulation since before the Great Depression. It got a big boost during McCarthyism: Senator Joseph McCarthy ALWAYS referred to our party as the “Democrat” party, and Bob Dole habitually did it, too (still does)…and, of course, Tom DeLay without fail slimes us that way. But not until Bush the Lesser did any POTUS ever stoop to uttering it in a State of the Union address, or anywhere else in polite company. If it’s gaining currency among the common folk, that’s a sign of contemporary Democratic hollowness. We never seem to fight back on anything; the right-wing bastards know it, and we too often prove it anew.

    Grimgold said “I’m not a Democratic.” This misses the point (and the grammar). Some time ago, in a different forum, I recall that a poster wrote that when the whole world is going haywire, such petty insults don’t matter, which also misses the point. On that occasion, I replied:

    “Smears always matter. Republicans seek to deny Democrats the right to name their own party. Letting it pass shows weakness and lack of pride. Practically speaking, “Democrat party” frames us unfavorably: “Democrat,” used as an adjective, is ungrammatical; it ends in “rat;” it is jarring and ugly to the ear. ‘Jew lawyer’ pulls the same stunt, and no one argues that THAT insult should be ignored.”

    MoveOn made a big, distracting rhetorical mistake by monkeying around with a general’s surname in the NY Times, which I told Bart was an “asshole, Republican thing” for them to have done. But on a political web site like this, I think Bart’s “Fraud Thompson” is both funny and appropriate. And I suggest that re-naming the rightie fascist movement the “Repiglican party” is within bounds in almost any setting. What’s good for the goose is good for the pig. They’ll always be Repiglicans to me.

    Comment by rhetor — October 10, 2007 @ 12:04 am

  7. [...] The “Democrat” Party [...]

    Pingback by The Dragon Tail — October 10, 2007 @ 2:17 pm

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