
October 10, 2007

Mike “Rodham” Huckabee

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 11:55 am

I’m offering a clever solution for Mike Huckabee.

Back in 1992 Hillary had a name problem. The “Rodham” made her appear a little too independent and detached from her husband. Initially she resisted the name change. She was a strong and independent woman who wanted to shine a little on her own.
But, eventually, it had to go.

Huckabee has many things going for him. He is a former governor from the South 
and arguably has the most experience of any Republican running for President. However, according to Dan Bartlett, Huckie has a terrible last name.

Bartlett argued that the name Huckie sounds too much like “Hickie.”

1 Comment

  1. Not only does he have experience, but he’s also a really nice person. I’ve had a chance to speak to him on a few different occasions, and every time he was friendly and gracious. Now if he could just get over the obsession with the Cloud Being…

    Comment by idealistferret — October 10, 2007 @ 1:03 pm

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