
October 12, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — Twisted_Colour @ 9:09 am

Danny Katz has a story to tell

DAVE just reached into his pants, pulled it out, and started fiddling with it. DAVE STARTED FIDDLING WITH IT, RIGHT THERE, UNDER THE TABLE, IN THE MIDDLE OF A PLEASANT SUNDAY BARBECUE — doing it in front of his wife and friends and even children. I said “Jeeez Dave, put it away, not here!” but he just kept going, his eyes glazed over, a dumb grin on his lips — he said “Almost finished … almost done … OK” then he popped it back in his pants and went straight back to his lamb cutlets like nothing ever happened. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT:

Read on….

P.S. Just for the record – I don’t do it.

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