
October 11, 2007 Volume 2054 – Noose fetish

Filed under: BartCop Page — Chicago Jim @ 1:32 pm Volume 2054 – Noose fetish. Volume 2054 - Noose fetish, top toon

In Today’s Tequila Treehouse…

Arrow Should Gore Run? HOT
Arrow Honest Quote Check
Arrow Wiretapping bastard 
Arrow Cackle, Hair and Sigh HOT
Arrow Hillary’s Achilles Heel HOT
Arrow Paper Highlights 48 
Arrow Rove Implicated 
Arrow Thompson Blows It
Arrow Charlize Theron sexy 


  1. Should Al Gore run? Yes, but the real question is does he want to put himself thru that crap again? At this point I can’t see any reason why he should.

    Comment by greyhawk — October 12, 2007 @ 8:36 am

  2. eb0a420d0183…


    Trackback by eb0a420d0183 — May 9, 2008 @ 8:07 pm

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