
November 18, 2006

Bush taunts Iran with four carrier groups

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 2:03 pm



As Bush steps up threatening rhetoric against Iran to force it to suspend its nuclear program, calling for worldwide isolation of Tehran until it “gives up its nuclear ambitions,” experts predict that the coming days would see a very violent step by Washington against the Islamic Republic.

OOctober 31, two nuclear-powered carriers, the USS Eisenhower and USS Enterprise, arrived in Bahrain with their carrier strike groups. And on November 9th, the USS Iwo Jima, and the USS Boxer also arrived.

Is Bush up to something?


Note: Somebody recently said, “There’s nothing more dangerous than a cornered rat.” They didn’t think they’d lose the election, but they did. Now Bush is looking at two years under the demo microscope and I think everyone believes he’s in trouble.

I wish he’d find a way to resolve his pent-up Mother issues that doesn’t include the splitting of the atom in the ‘let’s get suicidal’ MIddle East. 


  1. This is also what I worry about. the soup for brains has two more years and I’m sure he wants very profitable years for his Paraguayan retirement plan. Impeachment seems to be the only sane option. I hope the Dems can stay organized as the investigations unfold. On the other hand, they’re all a nest of thieves, so we’re probably still in the deep dodo. Did the smirking chimp have nerve surgery to eleminate the smirk? Inquiring minds want to know. Did smirk removing Novacaine induced numbness cause him to drool during that Kerry debate? Were the wires visible in the back of his coat during the Kerry debate air/pneumatic tubes to blow up his shoulders? Rumor today, fact tomorrow? Only the shadow knows and he aint talkin.

    Comment by DaveFagan — November 18, 2006 @ 2:54 pm

  2. The next 2 yrs, will be very telling on the future of our country. The Bush mob has a lot to hide and they will do anything, to keep from going to jail. I smell another war, at the very least. I hope I’m wrong.

    Comment by nottyton — November 19, 2006 @ 11:39 am

  3. You’d be astonished at what is reprehensible, repugnant, unethical, and violent without being illegal. Don’t think impeachment is in the cards.

    Problem is we always had leaders who might have done bad things but they were at least rational. That no longer applies. Bush is listening to little voices in his head. If Bush tries to start another war, this time the House and Senate can say “Hell, no.”

    Comment by Don the Daytrader — November 19, 2006 @ 3:36 pm

  4. Can this assho*e really start a war without anyone else having some say-so in the matter? I find it hard to believe that our system doesn’t have some check and balance when it comes to unprovoked attack. Maybe it’s time for a little WH eviction party??? Do ‘mericans even care?

    Comment by gods best friend — November 20, 2006 @ 7:30 pm

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