
October 12, 2007

Bill Maher: Idiocracy

Filed under: Opinion — Volt @ 8:15 pm

Bill Maher, The Huffington Post, October 12, 2007

Have too many Americans become gullible, ill-informed idiots who have elevated feelings over facts and replaced critical thinking with a blind sense of trust for authority? I’m not trying to be insulting here; I’m just trying to figure out Rudy Giuliani’s poll numbers.

Four years ago Tucker Carlson asked Britney Spears on CNN, “A lot of entertainers have come out against the war in Iraq. Have you?” And Britney, who was chewing gum throughout the entire interview, answered, “Honestly, I think we should just trust our president in every decision he makes and should just support that, you know, and be faithful in what happens.”

It’s this kind of head-in-the-sand, free rein granted to those believed to be in a position of moral authority that has led to warrantless wiretapping, torture, and a $6.1 million judgment for a Kentucky McDonald’s employee named Louise Ogborn. In 2004, Louise was 18 and working at McDonald’s when her assistant manager Donna called her into the back office, said a police officer on the phone had identified her as a thief, and then forced Louise, under the “cop’s” orders, to strip naked, do nude jumping jacks, submit to a spanking and finally perform oral sex on Donna’s 43-year-old exterminator fiancĂ©. The whole ordeal, ordered by a prankster over the phone, lasted three hours. But you know what they say about fast-food work — the time flies when you’re busy.

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