
October 15, 2007

Paul Krugman:Gore Derangement Syndrome

Filed under: Opinion — Volt @ 9:47 am


Paul Krugman, The New York Times, October 15, 2007

On the day after Al Gore shared the Nobel Peace Prize, The Wall Street Journal’s editors couldn’t even bring themselves to mention Mr. Gore’s name. Instead, they devoted their editorial to a long list of people they thought deserved the prize more.

And at National Review Online, Iain Murray suggested that the prize should have been shared with “that well-known peace campaigner Osama bin Laden, who implicitly endorsed Gore’s stance.” You see, bin Laden once said something about climate change — therefore, anyone who talks about climate change is a friend of the terrorists.

What is it about Mr. Gore that drives right-wingers insane?

Partly it’s a reaction to what happened in 2000, when the American people chose Mr. Gore but his opponent somehow ended up in the White House. Both the personality cult the right tried to build around President Bush and the often hysterical denigration of Mr. Gore were, I believe, largely motivated by the desire to expunge the stain of illegitimacy from the Bush administration.

And now that Mr. Bush has proved himself utterly the wrong man for the job — to be, in fact, the best president Al Qaeda’s recruiters could have hoped for — the symptoms of Gore derangement syndrome have grown even more extreme.

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1 Comment

  1. What is it about Mr. Gore that drives right-wingers insane?

    Gore does not talk down,He says what He thinks.
    What He apparently thinks is not what They teach in the universities these days and certainly not what the Corporate owned Media would love for You to believe.
    IMHO as time has slogged wearily on over the past six years now,virtually everything He has gone out on a limb with has come to pass,
    and since He has flown the lies of the modern conservative back in their faces,
    this then makes him an enemy of their dream world.
    I call the ideal dream world;Mayberry RFD USA Planet Earth.
    Winning the Nobel just seems to be too much validation of the Man and his priciples for some
    My heartfelt congratulations go out to President
    I just wish You had the applebag to stand up to the senate when they went on a corporate lobby
    junket when the recount was contested,
    what a President You could have been.

    Comment by Rainlander — October 16, 2007 @ 1:16 am

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