
October 16, 2007

The Tattlesnake — Dirty Sanchez Comes Clean and Other Head Rattlers Edition

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion,Uncategorized — RS Janes @ 8:55 am

– US Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the one-time senior commander and Voice of Bush in Iraq from June 2003 to June 2004, has now dubbed Junior’s War in Iraq “a nightmare with no end in sight” and echoed what us liberal kooks have been saying for years — the dumbo Bush Team is incompetent to fight a war and Iraq is a “catastrophic failure.” He dropped the cherry on top by drubbing the Bush chickenhawks as “derelict in their duties” and consumed with a “lust for power,” then added, “continued manipulations and adjustments to our military strategy will not achieve victory.” He also told the Agence France-Presse in June that the best we could hope for in Iraq was a stalemate.

Thank you, General, but us fringe anti-war moonbats (now in the majority, according to every poll) knew that already — the war was lost in 2003 when the Iraqi people figured out that the US didn’t give a damn what happened to them and it was all about oil, money, and politically advantageous photo-ops for the Bush Regime. Hello to the new boss, just like the old boss.

Turns out all of those protestors the Big Media (BM) Punditocracy had such fun ridiculing — the Cindy Sheehans and Michael Moores — were right all along, and now a list of retired Iraq commanders like Sanchez, John Batiste and Paul Eaton have confirmed it. (Give Petraeus a year or so and he’ll be adding his name to the list.)

Now the same neocon goofballs are promoting an attack on Iran and the Beltway BM, gullible slack jaws wide open, are sucking it up and selling it to the public for their pat on the head from Big Brother. The only difference this time around is that the public doesn’t seem to be taking the bait. Even propaganda, as the Soviet Union proved, has its limits — these days most Americans, like Russians during the Cold War, assume everything the Bush Gang tells them is a lie. The Iraqis, of course, knew it four years ago.

Incidentally, Sanchez also had this touch on the Bushites massive incompetence and dereliction of duty: “In my profession, these types of leaders would be immediately relieved or court-martialed.”

We do have a civilian counterpart to the military court-martial — it’s called impeachment. But can we get the Vichy Dems interested?

– Speaking of attacking Iran, has it occurred to anyone, in the wake of Sanchez and other retired combat generals blaming BushCo’s military incompetence for losing Iraq, that the active-duty Pentagon brass may have privately informed President Cheney and his little dog Bush that war with Iran is off the table — that they refuse to cooperate in what is sure to be another miserable neocon cock-up? Junior can’t fire most of the top staff and still have a functioning military, and it appears that there aren’t enough crazy Christopublican fire-breathers like Jerry “My God is Better Than Your God” Boykin in senior positions to effect a full-scale air war on Iran. This may be why Cheney’s ‘real-men-go-to-Tehran’ pipe dream has not yet been carried out, and never will be.

– Burying the needle in the red on the irony scale is the idea that fifteen years of the neocons building up Hillary Clinton into some kind of super-powerful monster has also immunized her from charges of being too ‘femme’ to be president. I have yet to read or hear, even in the farthest asteroid belts of the Rightie Loadcasters, that Hillary isn’t bad-ass tough enough to be commander in chief. These nutbags have diligently shoveled the neocon nightsweat fantasy that the Clinton with cleavage planned Vince Foster’s murder — if she didn’t personally pull the trigger herself — so there’s no wiggle room now that she would go soft at using violence against an enemy. Not that Your Tattlesnake would ever approve of any president violating an American’s constitutional rights, but the image of the Coulterator or Rushbo stuck incommunicado in Gitmo as ‘enemy combatants’ by President Hillary does have a certain appeal, and it would double-down on the irony factor since it was screwy David Addington’s Unitary Executive theory that gave her the power.

Copyright 2007 R.S. Janes

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