
October 17, 2007

Bush the bully holds a press conference

Filed under: News,Opinion — N @ 12:54 pm

President Bush (R-Dumb and Dumber) held a press conference this morning. Of course you probably have no idea that he did this because it was held around 11:00am EST when most of us are working, something Bush knows very little about.

Bush spent the bulk of the press conference complaining that Congress wasn’t getting enough done. He complained that Congress wouldn’t give him more money for his illegal war, that they won’t let him continue to spy on us without cause and that Congress insists on providing health insurance for children whose family can’t afford coverage. He did have some nice things to say about…..Blackwater. Nice. A private contractor that is accused of killing Iraqi civilians indiscriminately gets a pat on the back but fuck uninsured children

In my somewhat lengthy time watching presidents, I have never seen any president whine as much as Bush does. Bush looked like the school yard bully that no body is afraid of anymore. Most of you didn’t see this because Bush always holds his press conferences in the middle of the day when most Americans are working. Today it was held when most businesses across the country are in full working mode. Bush holds these news conferences during the day because he and his handlers know very few of us are able to watch him and therefore don’t get to see live and up close what a complete buffoon he is.

At a time when we are at war (even an illegal one) and a host of other important domestic and international issues are bubbling over you would think the president would want to talk to as many Americans as possible. Not Bush. Bush would be happy if none of us ever saw him speak. Hopefully in about a year that will be the case.


  1. Maybe more would get done if RegTHUGS stopped being abstructionists? Of course, Junior KNOWS this.

    Comment by Ye Olde Scribe — October 17, 2007 @ 2:16 pm

  2. I happened to catch part of this pity party — as much as I could take, at any rate.

    The best laugh line for me was when Bush blathered about Vlad Putin not understanding the ‘checks and balances’ form of democratic government we have. I’m glad I wasn’t drinkng any coffee — it would have been halfway across the room in a spit-take.

    Comment by RS Janes — October 17, 2007 @ 4:59 pm

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