
October 18, 2007

Ye Olde Scribe: In Memoriam… When the Current Chucklefest Began

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ye Olde Scribe @ 10:05 am

Ye Olde Scribe has recently become aware of the fact that Stephen Colbert, intentionally phony right wing wannabe tool ala’ O’Lielly and Sean Insanity is running for president. But of even more historical consequence, the Goldwater/Miller ticket is back again.

Have they no shame?


No, and it’s a damn good thing too. For too many years we have treated the presidency as if this were a serious post; meant to encourage respect and dialogue amongst both our people, our leaders and other nations. Praise the Gods of War that King Junior dispelled that myth, but he did it by confirming the message of the somewhat prophetic movie Killer Clowns from Outer Space. Yes, Scribe did type “somewhat.” These otherwise wise future forecasters missed the part about clowns taking over the White House, and for six years… both the Senate and the House.

They CLAIM we voted for them. Of course not one “claimee” would willingly admit credit should also go to the massive cases of election fraud and outright scams… all run by a collection of Neo-Con corporations and pols that collectively might as well be referred to as “Rubber Noses R Us.”

Finally the American public is getting it. It’s COMEDY! Once our theaters and TV screens were filled with the incredible comedy stylings of the brothers Marx, Brooks and Python. But now, quite soon, here comes the sequel: War on Terror part III: Iran, advertising slogan… “And you thought the AIRPLANE movies were stupidly over the top and ludicrous?” Ah, tis to die laughing… wait, with both WWIII and Armageddon on the table, that may not be as funny as Scribe INTENDED it to be.

To quote another genius; Tom Lehrer…

And we will all go together when we go.
Every Hottentot and every Eskimo.
When the air becomes uranious,
We will all go simultaneous.
Yes, we all will go together… when we go.

Now Scribe does wish to remind said comedians that they are following in the footsteps of a genius…

Pat Paulsen.

On the Smothers Brothers Show Pat would leave Scribe rolling on the floor just before bed time with his political rants that wound up meandering into Absolutenonsensical-land. That was way back when variety hours were common: not the American Idol-ish “lets humiliate people who think they may have some talent” lion feeding fests that now litter the TV landscape like the corpses of beavers. This need to denigrate the common folk in person, on the air, has turned much of comedy-based TV programming into a dried up, desiccated landscape. A vista that once was wide and deep with many snickerpuddles of pleasure due to the efforts of talented, eager beavers like the Smothers Brothers and Pat.

Ah, but Stephanie Miller, Chris Lavoie and Jim Ward must already know about this beaver scandal. Maybe Scribe should take a picture and send it so it can be offered up on “The Beaver Stack:” a weekly feature of The Stephanie Miller Show? Wait, this is RADIO. Pictures???? Scribe should know better: he had a “face for radio” long before Ms. Stephanie was laughing off lake effect near Lack-aH-waHna. Oh, well.

So… hats and horrible looking wigs off to Goldwater/Miller and Colbert.

But do Scribe a favor, if you can, please?

Occasionally cross yourselves, guys and gals: or whatever you might be able to do to show respect to Mr. Paulsen. For if we do not honor and pay attention to history, we may not rinse a damn thing… but surely are doomed to repeat. That’s what the grand and noble buffoon, Jon Stewart, warned us about just before that grand fiasco some dare call the election of 04. Scribe remembers him pleading with the voting public…

“Please, please, PLEASE don’t make my job easier.”

But we did anyway: and Scribe is all for comedians having to work harder to make us laugh our ass off.

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