
October 19, 2007

The Tattlesnake — In 2008, the ‘R’ After Your Name is a Scarlet Letter Edition

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion — RS Janes @ 7:21 am

“I am gross and perverted
I’m obsessed and deranged
I have existed for years
But very little has changed.”
– Frank Zappa, “I’m the Slime,” 1973.

Rejoice, ye progressive lumpencrats — you are witnessing the end of the Reagan/Neoconservative/Christian Right/Bush era. While those of us in the Blue State of Mind helped, it was largely a matter of these Oligarchic Ogres aiming at their own feet — or a friend’s face, in Cheney’s case.

Yep, the neocon Republicans are imploding, returning to the ball of mean, stupid and crazy from whence they came. Let’s look at the record:

In just the past few weeks, the true derangement of the Bush Christopublican neocons has shown its raving, wild-eyed, insane moron face with Anal Cyst Draft Reject Rush Limbaugh slapping any member of the military, including combat vets, as “phony soldiers” if they don’t agree with his chickenhawk war scat; Der Leader-hosen’s Loyal Bunker Honey Ann “Mannish Boy” Coulter flashing her anti-Semitic roots by generously threatening to ‘perfect Jews’ by overhauling them into Godless uber-Christians like herself; Ailes’ Fox News Brain Trust Billo discovering them mother-effin’ darkies up in Harlem can run a restaurant just as well as drunken Irish O’Fays; Corporate Roach Motel Desk Clerk Laura Ingraham unironically and hilariously titling her new colostomy bag of political opinion “Power to the People”; various Rightie Jock-Sniffers trying to make their bones by attacking 12-year-old accident victim Graeme Frost and, not satisfied with that wincing scuminess, even going after a 2-year-old girl with heart problems cured by the S-CHIP funds that Boy Bush just vetoed.

The object of their infection — ahem — attention, their very own Little Texas Tyrant, has been no slouch either. As well as vetoing the S-CHIP bill that provides health insurance to kids whose parents can’t afford our wonderful privatized health care system on the grounds that some families who can afford overpriced US medical insurance might game the system — this from a guy who doesn’t seem fazed when Halliburton or another no-bid contractor rips us off for billions in Iraq (how about that new Baghdad embassy, Dub?) — the Crawford Crazyman is now babbling about World War III as his self-fulfilling threats of attacking Iran has driven it into a defense pact with Russia, which does have the nuclear weapons the Bushtards only think the Iranians might one day develop. Good play, 43. And just to rub our face in it, just to stomp our sensibilities into the raw stinking stupid, Unitary Executive (King of Prussia) Bush apparently took advantage of his last meeting with Russian Federation President Vlad Putin to lecture him on the fine points of a ‘checks and balances’ government — you know, the kind we once had here in the US before five Republicans on the Supreme Court decided to ignore the Constitution six years ago. No doubt it was Putin’s KGB training that allowed him to keep a straight face during Dumbo’s good-government tirade.

Adding to that shameful list, in just the last couple of months America has witnessed unfair ‘free trade’ with unfree China resulting in tainted food on our store shelves and toxic toys for our kids; a rapidly declining dollar and collapsing housing market; oil prices up over $80-a-barrel and rising; talk of another war, with two failing wars in progress; more debt on top of an already record high deficit; our infrastructure falling to pieces while Junior wheedles for more of our money to toss down the Iraq rat hole; an out-of-control White House that decides what laws they will obey; revelations that the BushCo lust to read our emails and wiretap our phone calls predates the 9/11 attack, going all the way back to February 2001; further government protection for unregulated multi-national corporations that export good jobs and leave Americans slipping into poverty behind; and calls for yet more tax cuts for Bush’s wealthy friends and family.

And now the GOP Thing That Won’t Go Away Sen. Larry “I’m not gay” Craig continues to twist himself into even more absurd pretzel-logic explanations of how his foot ended kicking in another man’s stall in a public restroom in Minneapolis. Next it’ll be a case of irresistible ‘happy feet’ that made Wide Stance do it. Think Lar’s senate seat may go to a Dem next time? At one time in this country, there would have been a rail, a bucket of tar, and a box of chicken feathers waiting at the end of an angry mob for a BS artist like Craig; for that matter, most of the lying hypocrites of the Republican Party are lucky they haven’t been strung up yet.

Sure, it would be nice if there was a viable opposition to the GOP but, even without that, they’re dead in 2008 with the majority voting for the Dems by default.

The latest Reuters/Zogby poll says Bush’s approval rating has hit an all-time low at 24 percent — that means three-quarters of the country is tired of his Reign of Error and wants him to leave office.

Right now, if The Decider really wanted to do his patriotic duty to his country and protect us, he’d decide to resign, and take Cheney with him.

Emblematic of how the country feels about the GOP these days is this little scene: Two 20-something’s are watching a woman parallel park her car while blabbing away on her cell phone, not paying close attention to what’s she’s doing. There is a loud ugly noise as she scrapes the side of her car. One of the guys said:

“Gotta be a Republican.”

“You know it,” his buddy replied.

That’s the GOP zeitgeist for 2008: Dumb, distracted and doing real damage, and every Republican candidate next year will have the specter of the bumbling and ridiculous Monkey Man President clamped to his or her back like a drooping and useless right wing from Satan.


  1. But in Texas big hair and even bigger B.S. reign supreme – or so it seems?
    “To Hair and To Hair Not”

    Comment by tsumbra — October 19, 2007 @ 9:12 am

  2. Dear RSJ,
    Word up!

    Comment by Rainlander — October 19, 2007 @ 6:24 pm

  3. “Gotta be a Republican.” Ha!

    I was at Chimpy’s inauguration in 2001 (long story) and this evil old woman near me was talking with her companion: “Look at those protesters. They’re so ANGRY. Don’t you wish the police would come and start busting their heads?”
    Typical talk from someone who just naturally assumes it would never be her head getting busted. Sociopaths.

    Comment by Evolver — October 22, 2007 @ 8:30 pm

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