
October 19, 2007

The Bush Plan to Cut the Deficit in Half

Filed under: Toon — Volt @ 4:39 pm


  1. Yes, Children! And it’s called inflation!. The worth of the dollar will now go from $.04 to $.02.
    “Oh, but a little inflation is a good thing”, say the likes of Greenspan and Bernakie. It’s good for your friend GW, and the federal government and that’s all.
    Don’t be bluffed by professors and economists who have never held a real job in their lives. It’s the poor and those on fixed incomes who will be hit the hardest. These are the people you democrats are supposed to care about!
    So how about it?
    Let’s hear more in support for a non-inflating, honest dollar, and for that matter, a FairTax so we can shitcan the IRS.
    Love and kisses, Grimgold

    Comment by grimgold — October 21, 2007 @ 4:35 pm

  2. Actually, Grimmy, inflation helps those people who are in debt. They borrow the money and pay it back in less valuable inflated currency.

    Inflation is hated by those who LEND money.

    You know…bankers ie: Republicans!

    Controlling inflation through monetary policy is job ONE of the Federal Reserve.

    You might think about taking one of those economic courses you speak so lightly of.


    Comment by Volt — October 22, 2007 @ 9:05 am

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