
May 24, 2011

No worries, Mom: New vaccines to solve the autism issue?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — Jane Stillwater @ 4:27 pm

Yesterday was an interesting day. I had lunch with a scientist friend of mine. “What project are you working on now?” I asked her over a bowlful of chicken curry and a cup of hot chai at Vik’s Chaat Cafe in West Berkeley.

“I’m currently doing DNA research for a new start-up bio-tech company,” she replied. “Right now we’re working on perfecting a new way to make vaccines — and this new technique clearly has definite advantages over the older methods because it works in a whole different way. Instead of injecting a live bug into people like they’ve been doing since back in the days of Louis Pasteur, we can now isolate small sections of some killer bug’s DNA and make a vaccine out of that. Jane, this is so exciting! We’re almost there! Our clinical trials will be starting in only six months!”

“But what’s so exciting about that?” sez me. “It just means that there will be even more types of vaccines to inflict on the world’s poor vulnerable babies and cause them to get autism — and probably Alzheimer’s too.” Hey, I’m Old Skool when it comes to inflicting dozens of needless vaccines on our poor sweet guinea-pig children.

“But Jane,” my friend corrected me, “it’s not the vaccines that do the damage. It’s the chemicals that these live bugs have to be stored in so that the vaccines will be viable for long periods of time. Pasteur never had that problem. If he wanted to vaccinate someone, he just went out and grabbed a local milkmaid with cow pox. But things are different these days.”

“You mean that vaccines really are actually helpful?”

“Absolutely. They have saved millions — perhaps even billions — of lives. You might even owe your own life to one. They are one of the main cornerstones to the preservation of all human life.” Yeah right. “However, if you can discover a way to deliver vaccines to people without having to deliver the potentially harmful storage chemicals as well, then you’re home free. And we have just now solved that problem!” Heck, even I was starting to get excited about this.

“If you can take just a small fraction of a killer bug’s DNA and inject it, human bodies will then, according to our research, develop immunities and antibodies just the same as if it had been injected with the live bug. AND. Our new DNA vaccines will be able to be stored and transported without having to use any of the dangerous chemicals that we are now forced to rely on.”

“That’s huge.”

“Better believe it.”

PS: Unfortunately, all this wonderful research is gonna come to fruition too late for me. As a result of receiving high doses of chemical-laced vaccines within a very short period of time, I think that I already have autism. And probably Alzheimer’s as well. And also Gilliam-Barre syndrome and definitely peripheral neuropathy too. Boy do I HATE vaccines.

According to an article in, “There are currently over 5,000 court cases pending that claim autism as a result of vaccine injury.”

In 2007, I joined the Peace Corps and was happily sent off to South Africa where, in the course of a few weeks, I was given a series of vaccinations for almost every single disease known to man — and immediately had huge reactions. And my cognitive thinking, speech, physical coordination, breathing abilities, mental orientation and muscle strength immediately started going downhill. I even got so sick that the Peace Corps had to send me home.

If you ever want proof that the miserable rotten chemicals in modern vaccines cause problems in humans, I’m living proof. And, as an adult, I can clearly articulate what happened to me — the pain I went through, how I am still suffering side effects today and how I’ve noticeably changed. But imagine if you were just a bay and had reactions like mine? How could you tell your doctor to back off? You couldn’t.

PPS: After our lunch at Vik’s, my friend and I went off to a lecture on infant linguistics and language learning processes in young children. Here are three of the lecturer’s main “take-away” points:

First: Whether you use an “infant-directed register” (aka baby-talk) or not, it really doesn’t matter. What matters most in encouraging a baby’s ability to learn how to talk is that you try to communicate in a manner that meaningfully connects to a baby’s environment through cues — such as pointing, holding items up, etc. But the major factor here is your ability to communicate respect to the infant or young child.

Second: Babies have trouble making neumonic distinctions if there are also neumonic distractions such as a constant noisy environment. Background noise — even music — inhibits language development.

Third: Children do not get confused by exposure to a second language — in fact it has been found that children exposed to more than one language have higher self-esteem. However, if a parent is emotionally attached to teaching his or her child a heritage language, children may pick up on this emotional tension and may refuse to use the heritage language as a result, having associated it with emotional issues rather than with those of simply learning new sounds. But not to fear. Just eliminate the emotional baggage and merely keep using the language itself. The kids will still learn it — whether they speak it back to us or not.

PPPS: We can only play the cards that are dealt to us. I would prefer to have a great mind like Einstein or a heart as big as St Francis of Assisi’s or a young strong body like the Bengal popcorn guys have ( But I don’t. So I make do with what I have and do the best I can within my limitations.

Which is why people like George W. Bush and Barak Obama totally piss me off — they have the brains, the looks, the money and the opportunities to freakin’ save the whole freakin’ WORLD! And what do they do instead? They kill people. They kill almost as many people as some of those terrible live killer bugs that we struggle so hard to get people vaccinated against. That’s just shameful.

PPPPS: I just found out that there is going to be a whole bio-conference on the subject of new types of vaccines: DNA Vaccines 2011. And it’s gonna be in San Diego this July!

According to the DNA vaccine conference’s website blurb (, “The 2011 theme, Building on Clinical Progress and Exploring New Targets, led by Program Chair David B. Weiner, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, combines a provocative cutting edge scientific program and new innovative research findings not covered at any other meeting. You’ll meet international presenters, have access to the exhibit and poster areas, and attend networking food and cocktail receptions all at Loews Coronado Bay in San Diego.”

They’re gonna have food and cocktail receptions? I wanna go!



  1. Sheesh. Now you’re claiming that vaccinations cause autism? You really do live in a world with a loose grasp on reality. The main proponent of the vaccination-autism link was exposed as a fraud, and several cases in the United States were dismissed due to the evidence being ‘so one-sided’ against the fact that vaccinations caused autism:

    Beyond that, vaccinations are important for, you know, preventing diseases. There cases of children getting injured or dying thanks to believing the trashy pseudo-theory. Oh, and you -really- need to make sure that the things you cite really say what you mean. Medical Net disagrees with your findings. Completely.

    I have to admit it’s kind of fun demolishing your arguments. I hope you keep on posting such anti-reality pieces.

    Comment by Talhe — May 25, 2011 @ 8:43 am

  2. PLEASE PLEASE keep speaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are correct, your friend is too and too many just do not know!

    until it effects you are someone you know

    Comment by keba — May 25, 2011 @ 11:23 am

  3. OK Keba. Mind showing some evidence of the alleged autism/vaccination link? Real evidence that’s been professionally vetted, mind.

    Comment by Talhe — May 25, 2011 @ 12:21 pm

  4. I’ll steer clear of the vaccination/autism debate because I haven’t read enough about it yet.

    However, Jane, you made a glaring error — you claimed George W. Bush was smart. I do know something about Bush the Junior: he’s had every educational advantage available to an American and he’s still ignorant as dirt. He got into prep school because his father and grandfather were rich and influential; he got into Yale as a legacy, which guarantees you’ll graduate unless you shoot the Dean in broad daylight; he was accepted into, a graduated from, Harvard Business School due to a family friend pulling strings; he learned nothing from failing in business; he learned nothing from his failures as governor of Texas; and he learned nothing from his stint as the Worst American President in History. I used to think maybe Bush was just spoiled and lazy, as so many rich kids are, and so he never had a chance to exercise his mind — he always had some hireling to do his thinking for him. Now I think he’s just dumb as a sociopathic post; a Forrest Gump without the compassion and decency.

    As far as Barack Obama, he does have brains — enough to know that if he tried to pull out of Afghanistan too quickly, the MIC would make him another JFK and some other president would continue the killing, so he would have died for nothing.

    Comment by RS Janes — May 25, 2011 @ 1:31 pm

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