
October 22, 2007

Stopping the Re-THUGlicans in 2008 – Vote Giuliani

Filed under: Uncategorized — daveb @ 8:01 pm

Well, it appears the Christian “right” doesn’t like America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani. No, it’s not because he’s just another utterly wrong candidate like all the rest. It’s because he has the audacity to be pro-choice and support gay rights. So let’s help him win the nomination!

Evangelicals are threatening to back a third-party candidate if Rudy wins the nomination. Gee, that’d be really too bad. Some hyper-religious fuck like Brownback or Huckabee would be more to their liking I’m sure.

So I think we should help them really get the candidate they want. I propose we all register as Republicans (yes, hold your nose and go through with it) and then vote for Rudy in the primaries.

Let the backward-ass anti-evolution, anti-science, flat-earthers choose someone else to support and take votes from the GOP.

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1 Comment

  1. What will be funny is when the moral minority bolts over Mr 9-11 (could that be code for the number of wives he plans on having?). When they return to the fold IMHO they will find that they will NOT be calling the shots anymore.

    Comment by greyhawk — October 23, 2007 @ 4:25 am

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