
July 21, 2011

Murdoch’s War: Recent death notices from Iraq

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — Jane Stillwater @ 12:44 pm

Press Release 20110715-01, July 15, 2011: U.S. service member killed in southern Iraq. United States Forces Iraq PAO: BAGHDAD – A U.S. service member was killed Friday while conducting operations in southern Iraq.

Press Release 20110710-01, July 10, 2011: U.S. service member killed in southern Iraq. United States Forces – Iraq PAO: BAGHDAD – A U.S. service member was killed Sunday in southern Iraq.

Press Release 20110708-01, July 8, 2011: Two U.S. service members killed in Iraq. United States Forces – Iraq PAO: BAGHDAD – Two U.S. service members were killed Thursday while conducting operations in central Iraq.

RELEASE No. 20110630-01, June 30, 2011: Three U.S. service members killed in southern Iraq. United States Forces – Iraq PAO: BAGHDAD – Three U.S. service members were killed Wednesday in southern Iraq.

Press Release 20110627-01, June 27, 2011: U.S. service member dies in Iraq. United States Forces – Iraq PAO: BAGHDAD – A U.S. service member died Sunday in a non-hostile incident in southern Iraq.

Press Release 20110614-01, June 14, 2011: Two U.S. service members killed in Iraq. United States Forces – Iraq PAO: BAGHDAD – Two U.S. service members were killed yesterday while conducting operations in southern Iraq.

Press Release 20110608-01, June 8, 2011: U.S. service member killed in Iraq. United States Forces – Iraq PAO: BAGHDAD – A U.S. service member was killed Wednesday while conducting operations in southern Iraq.

And the list goes on….

Rupert Murdoch, a corporatist, was highly instrumental in conning America into starting this disastrous war on Iraq — both by using his news outlets to get George W. Bush into office and by hyping the war itself. And this war is still going on, despite what we’re currently being told.

American soldiers are still paying the ultimate price for one man’s hubris and greed.


1 Comment

  1. Obama’s War, nor Murdoch.

    Comment by al92lt1 — July 23, 2011 @ 6:23 pm

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