
October 30, 2007

Laura Bush Accuses Democrats of Demagoguery on Children’s Health Care

Filed under: News — Volt @ 9:16 am

Aaron Hill, The Hill, October 28, 2007

First Lady Laura Bush said Sunday that she is much more involved in policy than many people think and then went to bat for her husband on children’s health care and foreign policy.

Calling the state children’s health insurance program (SCHIP) :a perfect issue” for Democrats to demagogue on, Bush waded into largely uncharted public territory for her by taking exception to the party that opposes the president.

The first lady appeared genuinely upset about the Democrats’ tactics on the issue.

“Its really easy to blame people for so-called voting against children,” Bush said in an interview on Fox News Sunday. The first lady went on to say that the bill would cover children who are not poor and added that the program is often used to cover adults.

“The president is very anxious to work with Congress and to come up with something that both he and they can be proud of,” she said.

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1 Comment

  1. Bushie George can veto the democrats bills all he wants to,and thats just alright.
    But to deride him about it is just dirty partisan pool.
    What does it matter if millions of underpriveledged children have to do without
    medical care and their parents worry themselves
    to distraction,
    The wealthy white evangelical contractors need that money to make ends meet.
    Do You have any idea how much it costs to cool
    a 10,000 sq.ft. shack in Houston or how much it costs to operate just one personal jet?
    Next People will go around saying that Laura
    sounds just like Marie Antounette(yes I spelled her name wrong)and where would that get this country in a time of war?
    So Shaddup about it,See?

    Comment by Rainlander — October 30, 2007 @ 10:04 am

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