
April 4, 2007

Can’t Trust Iran

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 8:39 am

It’s 8:30 Wednesday and the whole world is celebrating the “imminent” release of the 15 Brit hostages by Iran.  CNN is wetting itself (as always) talking about the drop in oil prices now that the crisis has been “solved,” and everyone is counting their eggs before the chicken has a chance to lay any.

Trust me, with Iran, nothing is “solved.”

CNN is getting “reaction” to the “great news” from every donkey they can find, but doesn’t anyone remember the other Iranian hostage crisis?  Maybe they’ll let the 15 go, maybe they won’t. Iranians love to get our hopes up so they can dash them again and again – just ask Jimmy Carter what it’s like to deal with rhese religiously-insane handjobs.

Once they’re free and back on a British ship, THEN we should react, but nooooooo.     Now they’re talking about taking the 15 to the Brit Embassy where the crowds can take them hostage again.  Doesn’t anybody have a brain or a memory?


  1. Iran did not need to do anything more to the hostages, for several reasons.

    First, the territory where they were snagged has been under dispute since 1975, and this left plenty of room to save face for both sides.

    Second, Iran has already made inroads into Iraq in a variety of ways. All they have to do is to wait until the US leaves, then they can influence things openly. However, I am not advocating that the US stay for ever: we will do so anyway in our super huge billion dollar embassy. Our troops will leave, though, the sooner the better. Some will stay to protect the embassy–about 95,000 should do the trick.

    Third, there was no reason beyond politics to keep the hostages. Both the Brits and the US were shown to be impotent vis a vis Iran. No purpose was served by keeping them further.

    Fourth, the incident with the hostages served to unite the young, pro-West Iranians with the old, religious-nut handjobs against the “agressor”. So, again, there was no need to do anything further with the hostages, as unity had been achieved.

    Fifth, in releasing them, Iran showed itself to be way above the idiot dim son with respect to diplomacy. That was easy, though. Shrub couldn’t diplomatize himself out of a wet paper sack.

    Bottom line is I’m glad there were no wasted lives in this incident.

    Investigate, Indict, Impeach, Imprison


    Comment by CDFingers — April 4, 2007 @ 12:18 pm

  2. Meanwhile gasoline continues to go up in price.

    Remember thinking that when the Democrats took control of Congress the gouging would stop or at least slow down?

    What will be Big Oil’s excuse now?

    Comment by Volt — April 4, 2007 @ 3:59 pm

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