
September 14, 2015

The Superbowl of Love, by Bob Patterson

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jane Stillwater @ 8:37 pm

Note:  Bob had a stroke back in July and still can’t type so Jane Stillwater is posting his columns for him.  Here is his latest one.  Enjoy!

Hippies of all ages and experience levels are being invited to come to the last love-in while football fans prepare for Superbowl L (50). While a wide variety of political activists prepare to accept the challenge of stealing the media spotlight during the Superbowl festivities in February of 2016, some members of the original Flower Child generation are inviting all hippies to come back to San Francisco and to revive and regenerate the hippie lifestyle and philosophy.

Anti-war activists in Berkeley will have a nostalgic flashback as they start preparing protests against an American military incursion into Syria. The wide variety of political causes that are espoused in the Bay Area will have a virtual free-for-all when they all try to win the media’s attention because it won’t be just sports reporters flocking to San Francisco.

It seems reasonable that there will be a wave of nostalgic feature stories about the various facets of SF history including flower-power, love-ins, be-ins and psychedelia, love beads, bongs and water beds.

Many New York-based writers who are frantic for an excursion to San Francisco will convince their editors that a story about San Francisco is a “must” for their publications.

Looking beyond that, a year from now the World’s Laziest Journalist expects Jon Stewart to be running for Congress.

It’s time for this year’s list of unreported stories to be reported by Project Censored. Project Censored is our main proof that journalism in the United States is a failed concept. In the coming year, the good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, we hope to continue our series of columns including one tentatively entitled “The Button-Down Mind of Shelley Berman” (yeah we know it was Bob Newhart’s album). It will mostly be conjecture on how Lenny Bruce would see his beloved San Francisco during the Superbowl madness.

We haven’t run out of topics yet. Also look for a column entitled “Berkeley is the Cure for Apathy” (it happened to me). Meanwhile column production might be sporadic but keep your fingers crossed that the stream of liberal political punditry will keep flowing from the pen of the World’s Laziest Journalist, unbeaten and unbowed by his recent stroke.

And now the disc jockey will play Scott McKenzie’s “If You’re Going to San Francisco,” and the Jefferson Airplane will cogitate how one pill makes us small. Not to mention Tony Bennett singing “I left my Heart in San Francisco”.

To be continued….

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