Robert Fisher, KRIB, Mason City, Iowa, April 4, 2007
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama campaigned in Mason City tonight, hours after announcing he had raised $25 million so far for his bid for the White House — slightly more than rival Hillary Clinton raised for the primary campaign.
“A lot of the media has been focusing on the fact that we raised a lot of money in this campaign, and they’re stunned,” Obama said. “They say: ‘How did this guy named Obama who hasn’t been in Washington that long — how did he raise that money?’”
Obama bragged about refusing to accept donations from political action committees or from registered lobbyists. Obama also boasted about the number of people who contributed to his campaign coffers. “100,000 people from all across the country — 90 percent of them contributed $100 or less,” Obama said. “That captures the spirit of this campaign.”
the media is fucking stupid
Comment by animaux — April 5, 2007 @ 7:38 pm