
November 25, 2007

Mike Huckabee is an idiot and other not startling facts

Filed under: Uncategorized — Gerry Fern @ 5:29 pm

I am glad Mike Huckabee is looking stronger in the Repugnant Primary race, if we are lucky he can win it all. Right now he is in the pole position and he will stay there unless somebody actually discovers him in the real pole position. Don’t laugh, nowadays its almost expected of all republicans. But back to the good race, everyone knows it’s between 3 candidates, Mitt and Rudy being the other two.

Mitt won’t get the nod because let’s face it; he’s a moron, sorry mormon. Republicans are insular and racist by nature, and if you know anything about the mormon religion you can’t seriously vote for anybody that believes that crap. Repugs, don’t need to know anything , he’s just different and that won’t wash.

Rudy, the reincarnation of mouselini, yes I meant that intentionally, won’t get the nod either. He is probably a repugs dream: authoritarian, nasty, selfish and his hypocrisy has no limits. But he won’t get the nod either. Not because of Bernie Kerrick and his, if not support, abetting malfeasance, but because of his pictures in drag. I have turkey day dinner with a very nice gay couple from San Francisco. These men are intelligent, highly educated, and very aware of current events. They were shocked when I showed them pictures of the mouselini in drag. If they had not seen these pictures and were not aware in San Francisco, it is a good indication that most of America has a very limited knowledge of the real Rudy. Wait until people see them in Arkansas. His campaign is already in trouble having pulled out of Iowa and New Hampshire. Concrete proof, the more people know Rudy the less they like him. He is now hedging his bets on Florida, hoping for the strong support of the NY retired Jewish community in Florida. (Note: this may sound a little racist, but it is not. There is a very strong bond between the Jewish and Italian communities in NY, something that needs no explanation to a NYorker but can be misunderstood in other parts of the country.) Sorry Rudy, there will never be enough voters in Florida to bail out your sinking ship. So, that brings us to the inevitable repug nominee.

Is Mike Huckabee an idiot? Well, no, not really, he is not stupid, maybe crazy. OK, he can be an idiot or crazy, take your pick, both sides can be equally argued and maybe my vocabulary is limited, maybe he isan idiazy, I don’t know. One thing I do know is that he is a likeable feller. He can say the craziest things in a calm manner and with a smile on his face like nobody’s business. It will take most people moments to realize that what they just heard is off the charts Looney bin crazy and that is why I love the guy. He might just be the person that brings it home to the average American, that looking nice and speaking in a normal tone is not a sign of sanity. He might actually bare the entire repug party. It is not enough that he does not believe he evolved from primates, he also thinks the earth is flat. OK, maybe he doesn’t.

He was on Wolf, I’m a thinker that’s why I have a beard, Putzkrieg this morning and he actually outdid himself. Asked straight out if Israel should adhere to UN resolutions and work out a two state solution as proposed in all UN resolutions, he actually said, “I do not believe Israel should give up the West Bank.” I may be wrong but I believe this is the first time any US politician has unilaterally declared the West Bank part of Israel. I guess Mr. Huckabee does not understand the consequences of our abandonment of the Neutral Mediator position that the US has historically played in Palestinian Israeli negotiations. I guess the Huckster does not understand the limits of our power and the hostility, his position engenders all over the Middle East. I guess if he cannot understand evolution it would be difficult to ask him to understand anything. But the ramblings of a crazy man are still the ramblings of a crazy man and if he were the nominee, if any Democratic candidate could not make the electorate see that, then we best leave the country while we can.

1 Comment

  1. I have heard, on good authority, that Canada is pretty this time of year…..

    Comment by grimgold — November 27, 2007 @ 11:17 am

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