
February 14, 2017

We are ALL living under the Oroville Dam…

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jane Stillwater @ 10:28 pm

We are all living within miles of Fukushima’s deadly radiation right now.

We are all victims of those crazy Beltway war-mongers’ Shock and Awe.

We all have our homes built right under the Oroville Dam

We all live within view of the next huge DAPL oil spill.

We all drink the same lead-poisoned water as the children of Flint, Michigan.

We all live where the Land’s never free and only the Homeless are brave.

PS: I am in Las Vegas right now, staying at CircusCircus, eating street tacos, happily playing the nickel slots — and have actually won $20.25. But there are certain gambles with our human environment that I am just not willing to take.


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