
October 11, 2019

Powering off: PG&E just shot itself in the foot

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jane Stillwater @ 1:03 pm

“But what am I going to do with all this spoiled chicken in my refrigerator — and how in the freak can I watch TV?” 3,000,000 Californians are probably asking themselves this very question right now. Ha. Just get used to playing your own game of “Survivor”. Outwit, out play, outlast.

And don’t be surprised if a whole new bunch of babies are born nine months from now — as people run out of things to do without their iPhones.

But mainly, by playing Island of the Idols with 3,000,000 people’s lives (probably as payback for when Californians accused PG&E of starting some of those deadly wildfires last year), PG&E has made it abundantly clear to the world that now would be a really excellent time to have solar power instead.

To paraphrase the Pussycat Dolls, “Dontcha just wish you had solar power like me!?!”

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