
October 25, 2019

A tourist in Syria — and Dallas…

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jane Stillwater @ 1:31 pm


What’s on my bucket list right now? To die in Tibet. To visit the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria. To find out who really shot JFK. Murder mysteries? Tourism? I’ve got a lot to say about that! Give me a second here to organize my thoughts.

1. The same people who murdered President Kennedy are the same people who tried to murder President Assad of Syria — and who also murdered Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi. And the same people who will eventually murder you and me too. No mystery there.

2. I’m currently reading one of Eliot Pattison’s excellent murder mysteries that take place in Tibet, and he makes that rugged land and those rugged people so appealing that all I want to do is move there for the rest of my life.

3. I just finished writing my own murder mystery — and it takes place in Tibet too. It’s not as good as Pattison’s books but writing it was totally fun. Traveling Well is the Best Revenge. Buy it and see!

4. Ah, Syria! I miss it already. All those fabulous historical sites. Did you know that before Syria was ruthlessly invaded by America and its allies al Qaeda and ISIS, the tourist industry in Syria scored at least eight-point-four billion dollars in income per year. But.

Now that Syria is back to belonging to its own residents again and its torrid home-invasion tragedy is finally almost over, my true bucket-list dream is to go buy a suitcase, Hawaiian shirt and tacky sunglasses, fly off to Damascus and put the Syrian tourist route back on the map! Ancient Aleppo! Palmyra! The Roman amphitheater at Bosra! “The Krak de Chevaliers is a Crusader castle dating back to the 10th century.” There are currently six (6) UNESCO sites in Syria right now and six more being vetted. I wanna go there! Put me in charge of Syrian tourism! Please.

5. And as for Dallas, I’ll be going there next week — to attend BoucherCon, a famous gathering of murder-mystery readers and writers from all over the world. If anyone can name names and point fingers at who specifically murdered JFK in Dallas, it would be us. But there’s certainly no mystery regarding who caused that fierce tornado in North Dallas recently — the same people who murdered President Kennedy and tried to murder President Assad. The same people who are bringing us the climate catastrophe. Those war-mongering petroleum whores. To be blunt.

What’s on your bucket list?


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