
September 10, 2021

Has the American Left turned into Richard Nixon?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jane Stillwater @ 11:33 am

      Remember the heroic American Left’s finest hour back in the 1960s?  Back when we protested that terrible atrocity known as the Vietnam War?  Boy are those days gone forever.  Here in the 2020s, the American Left has its little heart set on following Henry Kissinger’s brutal policies to the letter and sending anyone who isn’t in lock-step with them off to the Hanoi Hilton.


      “I am not a crook!” screams the American Left as it demands that we carpet-bomb Syria, turn Palestine into Mai Lai, reenact Apocalypse Now in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America and win the hearts and minds of the American people by locking them up.

     ‘If we don’t inject every man, woman and child in America with the military-industrial complex’s latest version of Agent Orange, napalm our elders with Remdesivir and outlaw Ivermectin like it was the Viet Cong, then China will cause the Domino Effect!” screams the Left.  Richard Nixon couldn’t have said it better. 
      These days, the American Left is giving a standing ovation to Tricky Dick.  On so many levels, that’s just wrong.

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