
April 19, 2007

Heck of a Job, Wolfie

Filed under: Uncategorized — Volt @ 9:50 pm

Robert Scheer, Truthdig, April 17, 2007

At least they can’t blame Paul Wolfowitz on the Jews anymore. That’s the good news in the scandal; his lover and neocon political soul mate, Shaha Ali Riza, the World Bank official who received a lucrative transfer to the State Department at Wolfowitz’s direction, is an Arab Muslim. She is one in a group of Arab exiles, the most prominent being Ahmed Chalabi, who clearly had as much of a role as the oft-mentioned Israel lobby in driving the U.S. to war. Throw in the Christian right’s fierce support for the invasion and responsibility for this debacle is now proved to be quite ecumenical.

The bad news is that the decadent cronyism and malignant imperial stance of the Bush administration have been extended to one of the world’s leading international institutions, where Wolfowitz may hang on as president because of Bush’s continued strong support.

The Riza-Wolfowitz affair was an open secret in Washington for years, even before the couple became officially involved in the run-up to the Iraq war, during which she seems to have played a major role in influencing former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s top deputy. Back in the spring of 2003, a division of the Defense Department headed by Wolfowitz’s neocon crony Douglas Feith ordered defense contractor SAIC to pay Riza to figure out how Iraq should be governed after the invasion. When Wolfowitz followed her to the bank two years later, there was an obvious conflict of interest. So Wolfowitz got his lover reassigned, with a $60,000 pay increase, to the State Department.

As opposed to the scores of allegedly gay Arabic-speaking translators forced out of public service because of the threat that their private life might be used to blackmail them, Wolfowitz was an acceptable heterosexual philanderer. It is not clear whether the Bush administration’s security checks defined the lovers appointed to high position as adulterers or merely unmarried fornicators for there is no available evidence as to Wolfowitz’s marital status. We do know that Wolfowitz and his wife of more than 30 years separated abruptly amid rumors of his extramarital affairs, just prior to his being appointed to the second-highest position in the Pentagon. Surely this marital instability, a potential security risk, would have shown up in his background check.

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