
December 19, 2007

Long week; so much going on, so little coverage – it’s the Holiday Season

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion — Gerry Fern @ 12:00 am

So here’s a quick recap, so much to dig into If I got paid I could not cover it all:

1) Hillary is sinking. This is not the most important story of the week, but I guess it has the most interest. What a surprise. A candidate turns her back on the activist base of her party to appeal to people that will never vote for her. You know why Hillary? Because your name is Clinton and THEY HATE YOU. Just look at what Steve Adubato had to say on MSNBC:

“What’s really ironic about Clinton’s argument is that it has been the Clinton campaign that has been exceedingly secretive about disclosing the former First Lady’s records when she was in the White House. Bill and Hillary want the media to focus on are only the positive aspects of her experience but won’t say a word about such topics as “Travelgate;” “Whitewater;” exactly how Vince Foster died; missing billing records; or Hillary’s role as architect of the failed effort for universal healthcare.” *(lifted from TPM)

I thought all these issues where already explored and settled. Guess not. These are the people Hillary is pitching to hoping to win their votes. If there is a definition of self defeatism it is this campaign. What happens when you show up to your coronation and find that other people are challenging the throne? The base of right wing Democrats and liberal Republicans Hillary is aiming at is so narrow it would not fill a decent sized state.Good luck to you Hillary, the country can live without your ego, arrogance and tone deafness, we are sure you will be fine.

2) Obama is the big winner. OK, I am not sure, maybe he is. I still see him as a very inexperienced nice guy. His drug admissions are not going to help. Even the biggest drug users don’t want to explain to their kids they can experiment with drugs and grow up to be President of The United States. I will say one thing about Obama, I think he is an attractive candidate and having somebody as influential as Frank Rich practically endorse you does not hurt.I do not like Oprah, but I understand she has a very broad appeal across many demographics, that does not hurt either.

Many people bring up the racial issue. I refuse to believe that we as a society are so racist and if he is the nominee, specially with an opponent like the Huckster, he has a very fair chance of winning. Once in office however, being a realist; it only takes one wing-nut with good aim. I am sure he has considered this possibility and he is either very brave or much more egoistic than we have been led to believe.

3) I see Edwards as the big winner from the Hillary self destruction and the qualms about Obama’s experience. True Edwards was only in the Senate one term, but that was 4 years more than Obama.He was a VP Candidate, and a very smart lawyer. His populist message appeals to the left wing of the party. The Kucinich base that wants to win. There was a telling moment over the weekend, when Obama said, (paraphrasing) he wants to bring all the people to the table to affect change,(speaking of healthcare reform, Obama said we had to negotiate with the drug companies and HMOs to arrive a satisfactory solution.) Edwards responded (paraphrasing again), these people will never give up any of their power and anybody that thinks they will is naïve. Well we have no change expected with Hillary and naïve ideas with Obama. Edwards right now is playing a very good hand.

4) Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, like the sands on an hourglass…The only thing to wonder about in Rudy’s campaign is who will be the next Mrs. Giuliani. Oh right, you think after Judith helped to entirely bury his already dismal campaign she will be around much longer. Rudy is about Rudy, Judy is about Judy and the two shall never mix. Well at least something good came out of this campaign. Judy can go back to killing dogs and Rudy can go back to who the fuck cares, just get off my TV schmuck.

5) So last week’s traitor Harry Reed could not wait to prove me right. Damn you Harry, do you have to make it so easy? On Monday the dishonorable Harry in the Senate tried to pass a version of the telecom spying bill with retroactive immunity for the telcos. Good move Harry, protecting your base again, of course now we know your base is ATT and other telcos, your voters, “fuck them.” There is no reason why we should ever know who, or why, for what, or for how long we were illegally spied on. There you go defending that damn piece of paper again. Hey harry, here’s a clue, our Constitution is in The Library of Congress, I suggest you go there and read it. That piece of paper George gave you last time he stepped out of the bathroom, may be brown and old looking but it’s not The Constitution.

6) So Chris Dodd stepped in this week to stop crazy Harry from passing his illegal wiretapping bill. Kudos to Sen. Dodd. Really. In today’s climate anybody stepping up to protect our Constitution and civil rights should be applauded. Of course it would be so much more significant if the person standing up was not running for president at the time. Mr. Dodd, really, when was the last time you took a brave stance in defense of the people? But really shameful was where was Hillary and Obama standing next to Chris Dodd, proving they will stand up for us and demand change? Really embarrassing both of you.

7) Senator John McCain managed to snag the highly prized Joe Lieberman endorsement. It’s still not clear which voters he hopes to attract with this endorsement, but there is a rumor there are a large number of secret voters living under ground and will arise to vote according to Joe’s wishes. It is still not clear how they will get here and vote as it is said they are living in another country without newspapers, radios, or internet. Just to remind you, saint Joe vowed to support a Democratic nominee for president in 2008 after having lost the Democratic primary to Ted Lamont. Damn I hate to bring this up but, Hillary, Chuck Schumer, Chris Dodd, all refused to campaign for their party’s nominee but did campaign for holy Joe. Damn these people are smart. No dupes these guys.

8 So speaking of no dupes: Chuck Schumer is so smart, it embarrasses his mother, she told me so. He was the sponsor for the Mukasey nomination for attorney General. He endorsed him and praised him from coast to coast. Until of course Mukasey did not know what torture was. Water-boarding? I don’t know. Should not this be the time when six strong guys walk into the senate floor, tie up the SOB, cover his nose and stuff his mouth with a rag and then perform the procedure on him for about 5 minutes and then ask the SOB, “Is water-boarding torture?” I bet he would know the answer then. This was troubling to Chuck but not as troubling as the embarrassment of having to admit he’d been duped by a Bush puppet so he along with that other senile woman from California that should just go off and enjoy her millions, HEY DIANE, RETIRE YOU USELESS ASSWIPE, voted in committee to bring the nomination to the senate floor. Of course promising they would pass a bill to explicitly ban water-boarding. Of course the fact that it was already illegal should not matter. If this administration does not understand the law, we will rewrite it so they understand it. After all, “ignorance of the law is no excuse,” only applies to us civilians. The predictable followed. A bill to ban water-torture was put forth in the Senate only to be tabled by the too light in the loafers JAG lawyer, Lindsay Graham. So no, that bill did not even make it to the floor. Then the torture tapes scandal broke, basically the CIA destroyed torture tapes that they were told many times they had to keep. A special prosecutor was asked for. What did our new honest Attorney General do? A perfect Alberto, blocked all investigations, inquiries and special prosecutors. Gee Chuck, what would we do without you to protect us?

9) In war news:

A) The US helped Turkey invade the Kurds in Northern Iraq, our only allies in the country. Good for George, the bigger the war, the bigger the peace, in 100 years we’ll all realize how great his strategenic thinking really was.

B) We are losing in Afghanistan. Nothing new except that now it appears the country is back to where it was when we first invaded six years ago. Now that is progress.

C) Gaza is closed off, people have no access to food, water, electricity, are starving and dehydrating in the streets when they are not being shot at from helicopters. This was the Sharom plan all along. Isolate Gaza, take the Jewish population out and then if the rest of the people die, who cares? They are only Palestinians or Camel jockeys if you like that better. That peace plan is moving right along. Believe it or not, many other things happened this week, but we can only concentrate on so many at one time. Tomorrow is my birthday. No, not doing anything special, it just reminds me I survived another year of this insanity. One more year to go.


  1. There’s a lot of crap in this post.
    We’ll call it my contribution to Free Speech.

    It’s OK to hate Hillary, but what’s the point of launching silly-ass personal attacks from

    I assume a gauntlet is being thrown down?
    Gerry, I’m always available…

    And do I need to say it 50 more times?

    You don’t have to like our best chance at winning,
    but why use this space to scream, “the country can
    live without your ego, arrogance and tone deafness”
    to most successful team we’ve had in 60 years?

    I think Gerry wants a pony for Christmas,

    Comment by Bart — December 19, 2007 @ 12:11 am

  2. “Many people bring up the racial issue. I refuse to believe that we as a society are so racist and if he is the nominee, specially with an opponent like the Huckster, he has a very fair chance of winning. Once in office however, being a realist; it only takes one wing-nut with good aim. I am sure he has considered this possibility and he is either very brave or much more egoistic than we have been led to believe.”

    If Obama wins in Iowa and NH, two of the whitest states in the country, that issue will be laid to rest. (No Dem is going to win much of the south this time, although honey-dipper Edwards might chip off the Carolinas and maybe Arkansas and Louisiana, just because of his southern accent.) If elected, I think Barack is smart enough to surround himself with black Secret Service agents to forestall the wingnut with a good aim scenario.

    As far as Hillary, she’s in a bind: “I’m experienced, I’m part of establishment Washington, I can get things done, and I’m an outsider who’s going to change everything and make it better.” She might pull it off, though because, compared to the dimwit GOP candidates and the Shackles of Bush and Neocon Failure they’ll be carrying around, she’ll look like a genius.

    Comment by RS Janes — December 20, 2007 @ 7:27 pm

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