
November 20, 2006

Breaking – Michael Richards on Dave tonight

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 8:00 pm


  1. It was actually painful to watch, not helped by the audience, who at first didn’t cop to the idea this was for real, and not a stunt.

    Richards might do well to focus on getting some anger-management counselling as well as considering doing some work supporting the worst hit of the Katrina victims. Even if if that won’t “unring” this bell, it would certainly be an appropriate gesture, and a good follow-up to his mea culpa.

    I’ll give him this much: he at least has the courage to own up to his reprehensible fuck-up without blaming it on booze or whatever. Maybe the bigger story here is the underlying thread of racism many of us of all colors carry whether we are brave enough to admit it or not.

    Comment by meldonna — November 21, 2006 @ 6:21 pm

  2. Kanye West – “Michael Richards doesn’t care about black people”.

    Comment by Tony in Louisiana — November 21, 2006 @ 7:24 pm

  3. I think it was a PR move to sell more copys of season 7 of Seinfeld.
    I bet they made a deal to pay Michael Richards to do this, god knows Michael Richards needs the $$$$. “Here’s a few million now jump in front of this bus….duh OK boss.


    Comment by Homeland Conspiracy — November 26, 2006 @ 7:57 am

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