
November 21, 2006

Too bad OJ got cancelled…

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 5:37 pm

I’d like to hear how he did it. There are many unanswered questions about the murders that the handjob LA cops have yet to figure out.

How did OJ wash all that blood off AND drive across town in 30 minutes?

What did he do with the murder weapon and the bloody clothes?

He didn’t take a shower at home after the murders, so how did he get the blood out of his hair – or did we wear a wet suit for the murders? A wet suit would be much harder to get rid of.

OJ wouldn’t know this – but what happened to the missing blood they took from him?

Lots of questions – will the bootleg of the interview hit the internets? 



  1. The only thing that got OJ off of TV in 1995 was the OK city bombing.
    Let’s hope nothing like that happens this time.

    Comment by Tony in Louisiana — November 21, 2006 @ 7:30 pm

  2. Good points, which I agree with. I thought OJ was innocent from the moment I read the transcript of his first interview with the LA cops. Throughout, he refers to Nicole in the present tense … ‘Nicole is..’ and not the past … ‘Nicole was…’ Any good homicide investigator would tell you that is the mark of an innocent man. OJ is not so smart as to figure that out, nor so good an actor as to be able to pull it off for the whole interview.

    Comment by jimmyhoffa — November 22, 2006 @ 12:09 pm

  3. There’s not enough reason for me to believe that this book is somehow an admission or ‘proof’ that O.J. did it. He’s just a broke scumbag trying to make a buck the only way he can.

    Below Rupert Murdoch, just take a look at who the PUBLISHER IS…Judith Regan, she who banged Kerik the Short in their Ground Zero love nest while the bodies smoldered a few blocks away…as they planned their future exploitations of the worst tragedy to hit New York ever.

    One scumbag after another.

    Comment by Daddy-O — November 23, 2006 @ 1:50 pm

  4. I heard somewhere – can’t remember where, so take it with a grain of salt, that in the book he said he would use an accomplice. So, maybe he didn’t get all that bloody. Poor OJ, has to try and survive on his $300,000/yr NFL pension….

    Comment by carol b. from austin — November 27, 2006 @ 8:55 am

  5. I think Kato Kalin did it and was just playing dumb and framed OJ. Yeah thats the ticket.

    Kato and the green hornets did it!

    Btw the Goldman family hasn’t got a dime after winning the civil suit. Thats kind of odd since they won in court don’t you you think?

    Comment by Fud — December 13, 2006 @ 8:22 am

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