
February 8, 2008

God Is Not Great, Neither is Obama, and Obama is Not God

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion — Gerry Fern @ 7:23 am

Man am I getting sick of this Obama worship!!! I heard somebody say today it’s a movement, I disagree, it’s becoming a religion ala Jim Jones in Guyana. What the hell is wrong with you people? Obama is not an establishment candidate but Hillary is? Are you are out of your tiny little minds? They are both establishment candidates. The only difference between them is style, other than that everything else is nick picking. You want a non-establishment candidate? That was Dennis Kucinich, John Edwards, but they could not win because they could not get any TV face time, so you dimwits did not vote for them because even though you agreed with them, they could not win. So now you are projecting your wishes, desires and positions on a false idol that does not share them. But yet you insist Obama is not the establishment candidate, even though he is being more heavily promoted by the establishment media than Hillary Is. You Obama sycophants would do well to watch “The Wizard of Oz” again and try to understand it this time.

Let’s be clear, I do not love Hillary, nor do I hate Obama. The way things are now, I would prefer to vote for both of them than pick one. But after almost eight years of God’s illegitimate son, born of the ugliest Virgin Mary I have ever seen, Ok, sorry, had to get that in, I am not ready for another cult personality in the White House. Lets asses both candidates with a clear and fair mind, so far the only difference I see is one is a much more capable orator than the other. Also, one reminds us of the past, the other is new, but I do not think it has to do with their policies, simply familiarity. Finally, Michelle is the new Hillary, I tried to like her, but in four years she may make Hillary look like a pussycat.

Listening to the radio these days is very tough, for a fair minded person simply wishing a Democrat to win. Maybe I should start listening to the fat ass, no not Ed, the other fat ass, Rush. What has come over you people? I understand Mike Malloy’s rant yesterday and I agree with all of it. But guess what Mike, read above.

Stephanie, love the mooks, getting to the point I want to go to LA and stick my foot up her ass. Do you people understand limits?

Randi Rhodes, Rachel Maddow? Ok let me tell you ladies, please keep your dating fantasies in your bedroom. I will be happy to supply the necessary accessories if so requested. Hey, I have a discount.

OK, everybody else. It’s over. Let it go already. We have two candidates that will eventually have to find a way to get married and honeymoon or half our party will go away. Are these the best choices? No. Are these my preferred choices? No. But because all you progressives decided that Kucinich could not win and Edwards could not win, that is the choice you left me and you. So stop your fucking bitching and idolizing already or John Fucking Stay in Iraq Forever Nuke Iran Crazy McCain will be our next president.


  1. Gerry, calm down a little. I would have voted for Edwards in the primaries, but he quit before Super Tuesday.

    Here’s my take on Obama, both from meeting him and knowing members of his family: He’s a progressive at heart, but he’s also a poliotician who thinks you have to get elected first before you can make a difference. Face it, Kucinich and Gravel are terrible politicians — Dennis had the years since 2004 to set up a viable campaign operation in both Iowa and NH and he didn’t. He also had that time to deflect those ‘you’re crazy’ questions, which he got in 2004, about his vegan diet and UFOs, etc. — and he didn’t come up with a good comeback. And while Mike Gravel often made sense, he just as often did something that convinced many he was out of his gourd and pissed on his own chances.

    Obama has a history in Illinois and in the US Senate of being a ‘measured liberal’ — he gets things done in small increments, and does it by building coalitions. As he’s said, he can pick up the voters who have Hillary as their first choice, and independents and some Republicans, but there are Obama voters who will NEVER vote for Hillary under any conditions. May not be fair, but that’s the reality. And, yes, he inspires people, especially younger voters. So did JFK, RFK and MLK. I would think that would be a plus. That’s why I think he’d be the better Dem nominee.

    If Hillary is the nominee, I’ll vote for her, but I still wonder what she was thinking voting for the Kyl-Lieberman act to give Bush an opening to start a war with Iran, and why she ever brought up supporting a flag burning amendment, among other things. Still, she’d be better than McCain or any other GOP candidate. I hope if she gets the nod, the majority of voters see it that way as well.

    Comment by RS Janes — February 8, 2008 @ 7:57 am

  2. From what I’ve read on the newsite forums posted by Obama supporters,I gather them to be zealots.
    I think theres something in the Human Psyche,maybe racial memory of single combat warriors and in these hysterical times it seems a plausible notion.
    Anyone else is just a pretender to the throne and worthy of derision to prop up the hopes and dreams generated by the would be benefactor.
    In a perfect world Obama would be a perfect candidate,but to my mind He is a politician first and foremost.
    I wonder how long He could resist the attack dogs of the far right and the temptation of taking the lobby and PAC money like so many have before him and become the cuddly little lapdog of the special interest groups and by that I mean the Elite 2% and not the minorities
    scraping bottom at 93% of the worlds population.

    Comment by Rainlander — February 8, 2008 @ 3:05 pm

  3. Bart said it best . . . Those who worship Obama want a pony.

    If they don’t get their pony, I wouldn’t be surprised if they demand that he run as an independent. Obama may be so full of himself by then that he’ll pull a lieberman and do it.

    Comment by buzzchilly — February 9, 2008 @ 6:08 am

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