
February 22, 2008

Rush Limbaugh: Liberals Are ‘Snakes’ To Be Defeated

Filed under: Commentary — Volt @ 10:32 am

Jon Ponder, Pensito Review, February 22, 2008

Rush Limbaugh, the drug-addled radio entertainer and provocateur, used the New York Times article suggesting John McCain had a too-cozy relationship with a female lobbyist a decade ago – a story sourced to, and apparently leaked by, Republican operatives in the 2000 McCain presidential campaign – to castigate McCain with a rambling discourse on his dark and paranoid view of Americans who do not share his political views:

The lesson is liberals are to be defeated. You cannot walk across the aisle with them. You cannot reach across the aisle. You cannot welcome their media members on your bus and get all cozy with them and expect eternal love from them. You are a Republican. Whether you’re a conservative Republican or not, you are a Republican. At some point, the people you cozy up to, either to do legislation or to get cozy media stories, are going to turn on you. They are snakes. If the right lesson is not learned from this, then it will have proved to be of no value. There’s a great opportunity here for Senator McCain to learn the right lesson and understand who his friends are and who his enemies are. He’s had that backwards for way too long. He has thought the New York Times is his friend. He has thought Chris Matthews and these other people in the Drive-By Media are his friends. They aren’t. That’s the lesson today.

The story is not the story. The story is the Drive-By Media turning on it’s favorite maverick trying to take him out. The media picked the Republican candidate. The New York Times endorsed that candidate while they sat on this story, and now with utter predictability, they are trying to destroy him. This is what you get when you walk across the aisle and try to make these people your friends. Why should any of us be surprised or even angry at what the New York Times is doing here trying to take out John McCain? Those of you who listen regularly should have been expecting this all along because it’s utterly predictable. It’s as predictable as the sun rising in the morning. It’s as predictable as Ted Kennedy finding a bar at happy hour.

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  1. Pardon me, please. I don’t see a link for making a new post on this blog.

    I want to find someone to bet on Hillary.

    Let me know here, please, how to make a new post. Look, I am that stupid. Someone can make a fortune!

    Comment by twilightsailing — February 22, 2008 @ 10:53 am

  2. Now that the game is more than half over you want to start placing your bets? Good luck with that.

    Just don’t mistake apathy for fear.

    Comment by Danger Bear — February 22, 2008 @ 12:59 pm

  3. I keep hoping the Liberal Air Force will go over there (Wingnuttia) and bomb Limbaugh back to the stone age!
    We can still tax and spend that Radioactive money and grow the government bigger.

    Comment by Rainlander — February 22, 2008 @ 2:38 pm

  4. “This is the field of battle they have chosen. Unfortunately, the only way to play against them is to annihilate them. The only way to teach them a political lesson is to defeat them utterly.”
    This is such bullshit. The real red/blue divide is in D.C. and the Main Scream Media which makes its living creating decisiveness and hatred.
    Those of you slurping up this poisonous punch need to turn on your brains, including you Microvolt!
    Americans aren’t like this. They want to see issues debated, the country improved, our problems solved, not attacks on His Most Wonderful Highness (he who’s second hand cigar smoke I’m not worthy to breathe) His Greatness, Rush Limbaugh.
    Articles like this may give you a warm smug feeling inside, but it avoids the problems of this country entirely, rather contributing to the living in a fantasy world of loving libs and hating repubs.
    What a waste of Bart space!

    Comment by grimgold — February 22, 2008 @ 9:55 pm

  5. Grim, Rush’s views are now outside the mainstream — if they were ever really inside. I meet people all the time, of every political persuasion, who just want the country to work for a change, and want us to be respected in the world again — and some of them are Limbaugh listeners. (But they don’t agree with him completely.)

    Limbaugh could be talking about himself here — you can’t make nice with the looney right, and I’ve tried. They are too consumed with hate to even talk things over.

    Comment by RS Janes — February 23, 2008 @ 6:52 pm

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