
February 22, 2008

Robert Scheer: Castro and the Colossus

Filed under: Commentary — Volt @ 11:25 am


Robert Scheer TruthDig, February 19, 2008

The resignation of Fidel Castro is more promising for the burnishing of his legacy than the mostly septuagenarian Cuban hard-liners in Miami and their fawning allies in the Bush administration would like to believe. After all, Mao Tse-tung is still honored in communist China, the fastest-growing capitalist power in the world, and former KGB agent Vladimir Putin is, at least for now, a very popular elected Russian leader.

Those hoping for a “freedom flotilla” of Cuban exiles returning to remake Havana in the image of 1959, threatening the very future of Las Vegas with legalized prostitution as well as gambling, are likely to be disappointed. Odds are that Castro’s successors, beginning with his rhetoric-weary brother, are likely to finally get serious, after decades of fitful starts and reversals, about ending the grip of a moribund statist economy. Reform leading significantly down the path of the Chinese model, or more appropriately that of Venezuela, which has thrown a lifeline to the ailing Cuban economy, is more likely than sudden upheaval.

But those changes will come too late to justify the suffering of the Cuban people for half a century at the hands of a revolutionary, as arrogant as he is idealistic, who witnessed his vision flounder on the rocks of an incredibly cynical U.S. policy. Prime responsibility for that suffering does go to the Colossus of the North, which in the pursuit of economic exploitation and Cold War paranoia consistently preferred Latin American dictatorships to serious experiments in popular rule and strangled the Cuban economy with an embargo in place for the almost five decades since Castro dared move against the U.S. corporations that claimed to own much of the island.

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  1. If we are going to give the communist Chinese most favored nation status, we should at least normalize relations with Cuba.

    Comment by grimgold — February 22, 2008 @ 9:42 pm

  2. I believe Fidel feels this is as a good time as any to retire since his arch-nemesis the USA is basically unable to defend itself let alone divert enough troops from the middle east to invade.

    Maybe we’ll have Vegas style junkets to Havanah
    within my lifetime.

    You’ve done an did a heckuva job,Chimpy.
    Mission Accomplished!

    Comment by Rainlander — February 23, 2008 @ 4:57 am

  3. Rain, we apparently have 70,000 troops in Europe, in places like France and Gremany. If this is true, you stand corrected.

    Comment by grimgold — February 23, 2008 @ 11:06 am

  4. When does brother Jeb Castro take over in Havana, promising more mob gambling, jobs at the expanded Gitmo, and up-to-date Diebold voting machines to the Cubans? (No more hanging Chads — now they can hang Iraqis, Iranians, Palestinians…)

    Comment by RS Janes — February 23, 2008 @ 6:56 pm

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