
March 6, 2008


Filed under: Toon — kerry @ 2:23 pm


Those Who Forget the Lessons of History

Are Doomed To Repeat It!


  1. OMG,That graphic is hilarious.
    Shame though,We need to stand by our candidate
    and save Our energies for making those bush bastards to walk the plank.

    Comment by Rainlander — March 6, 2008 @ 3:01 pm

  2. kerry, you’re a complete idiot and a disgrace to BartBlog. You compare Obama to Jim Jones?


    Comment by Joseph52 — March 6, 2008 @ 6:29 pm

  3. Rainlander, Thanks, just want people to stop following BO in a cultlike fashion and THINK. Obama’s campaign seems to consist mainly of hot air about HOPE & CHANGE and bashing Hillary with the twisted Faux News “facts” and screaming RACE ATTACK! Example: After Hillary’s recent surge, Obama whined that his slump was Hillary’s fault for complaining that they were bias toward him when everyong knows the media has been beating on hillary incessently for years while giving Obama a free ride. Instead of saying something substantial and positive afterward that he would or could do as president he states that he is going to have to attack Hillary harder and try to discredit her qualifications.

    Dear Asshole, Is that your first name, family name or one you chose yourself?

    Glad you liked it. ;O)

    You have such a genius way with words I would love to hear your opinion on the matters below.

    How do YOU feel about how Barrack is running his campaign, like a cultist whipping up a following with cotton candy rhetoric, sweet but not very filling! Obama talks a lot, but answers little, then runs away.

    Do you think that his promises of HOPE, CHANGE and his promoting the racist lies of the media when they take the words of Hillary and Bill out of context and twist them to be something else is enough substance to become a president? Do you think that kind of behavior is in keeping with his promise to “run a clean campaign”? Do you really believe that someone with his lack of experience can clean up the gawwwdawful mess the cheneybush cartel has made of everything they have touched?

    Do you ever wonder why the repugs are backing him? Have you considered that they know they can’t beat Hillary and by backing him they can help eliminate HER? Mr. Obama doesn’t have enough actual ‘under fire’ experience to withstand the swiftboating bombardment the GOP will launch on him. Hillary does, she has been under fire by the media ever since her husband’s sexcapade for no other reason than she was married to him and didn’t get a divorce but chose to keep her marriage intact. That’s a “family value” the repugs once laid claim to. Do you ever wonder, when Obama yells “RACE ATTACK”, which half of his ethnic heritage he is claiming to be offended…. the white half (maternal) or the black half (paternal)? Ever wonder why he only plays up the paternal side”

    So what is your reason for supporting Oprah’s second coming, “HE’S THE ONE”, halleluiah and amen! Or are you just another good old boy misogynist who can’t stand the thought of a wo-man president?


    Comment by kerry — March 7, 2008 @ 1:01 pm

  4. As I said, you are a complete idiot, and you’ve mastered every bullshit smear against Obama you can find, even if you’re too stupid to spell his first name correctly.

    Misogynist? Gee, who taught you that big word?

    Go fuck yourself, kerry boy.

    Comment by Joseph52 — March 8, 2008 @ 12:05 am

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