
March 6, 2008

Michael Smerconish: Candidates’ Pennsylvania Primer

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Michael Smerconish, The Huffington Post, March 6, 2008

Welcome, Candidates! It’s been a long time since Pennsylvania mattered in a presidential contest and we are elated to host you. As your self-appointed advance man, I offer the following survival tips for your seven-week sojourn into the Keystone state:

Pronunciation matters. When in Philadelphia, make certain that Olney is “ahl-uh-nee,” Passyunk “pa-shunk” and the Schuylkill “skoo-kul.”

In central Pennsylvania, Juniata County is not akin to a Hispanic first name, but rather “joo-nee-atta.” In Pittsburgh, it’s spelled Monongahela, and pronounced the same way.

Sports. Work in a mention of the Eagles (pronounced “Iggles”) anytime traveling east of Harrisburg; reference JoePa whenever driving through or flying over central Pennsylvania, and describe the Immaculate Reception anytime subjected to a Q&A in Pittsburgh.

“Big Five” means basketball, and not the number of superdelegates controlled by city Democratic chairman Bob Brady.

Amish country: It’s beautiful, but you may want to avoid Intercourse, Pa., for press avails. Ditto Blue Ball.

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