
March 7, 2008

For 5 trillion $$$$$ we could have……

Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 2:52 pm


Economist: Iraq war will cost up to $5 trillion”, Atlanta Journal – Constitution, February 28, 2008,

For 5 trillion $$$$$ we could have paid $4 a gallon for oil and sold it for $2 and had enough left over for universal health care, food, clothing and housing for everyone, safe bridges and roads, better schools, more teachers, law enforcement officers, firemen, better care for our Veterans with fewer Veterans needing it, four thousand troops would still be alive and tens of thousands more would not be disabled and or brain and emotionally damaged.  

IF only that spineless bunch of Bush butkissers in Washington would have had the balls to do the jobs they were elected to do!

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