
March 9, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 4:40 pm



Efforts are on to push Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s government to play a significant support role in case the Pentagon unleashes another

“pre-emptive” war in the Middle East 

 India had been under pressure to play such a role in the first “pre-emptive” war as well.

The latest pressure has come in the form of a demand for New Delhi signing a US-India Logistics Support Agreement (LSA), and amid discussion for quite a while, without any further delay. On February 27, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, one of the many American emissaries to descend on New Delhi over the recent period, reportedly pressed for early conclusion of the LSA, under which the two countries would provide logistic support to each other’s military. New Delhi, according to official accounts, is said to have asked for “more time to consider all aspects of the matter.”
A similar story was going around last April. That one was about US plans to use tactical nuclear weapons. Here’s a report from an English news source at the time.

Bush ‘is planning nuclear strikes on Iran’s secret sites’

By Philip Sherwell in Washington

Last Updated: 1:44am BST 11/04/2006

Alec Russell: So is America going to bomb Iran?
Jack Straw: Iran attack would be ‘nuts’

The Bush administration is planning to use nuclear weapons against Iran, to prevent it acquiring its own atomic warheads, claims an investigative writer with high-level Pentagon and intelligence contacts.;jsessionid=C3HY5I431EHHRQFIQMGSFFWAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2006/04/09/wbush09.xml&sSheet=/portal/2006/04/09/ixportaltop.html


  1. Just here to say goodbye. I deleted from my favorites list after all these years.

    Not one of you stood up to defend Bart’s comment that Obama had “possibly” sold drugs. Not one. And fuck you. Fuck you children.

    Truth is truth. Smears are smears.

    Live in a world of lies if you wish, be cowards. Who cares?

    I know morons in East Texas who believe Obama is a secret agent for Al Quida. How are you different? Not in any way. You are liars. You are morons. Fuck you with a big splintery stick.

    Enjoy the new world when Obama wins it all. And while that is going on, all 8 years, you can suck my dick.

    Wanna bet? Put your money up. At this point I want odds.

    Comment by twilightsailing — March 9, 2008 @ 5:50 pm

  2. Yeah, despite the misspellings and grammatical errors, not one of you will put your money up. I am a moron. Bet me.

    Comment by twilightsailing — March 9, 2008 @ 5:52 pm

  3. Where are you, Bartcoppers?

    Prove me wrong or suck my dick.

    Or run away like little sissy girls.

    Jeez, you kids are just disgusting.

    Run away! Run away!

    Comment by twilightsailing — March 9, 2008 @ 6:21 pm

  4. “I know morons in East Texas who believe Obama is a secret agent for Al Quida”

    How is this different from saying I know right wingers who will raise questions about youthful drug use?

    Rainlander already pointed out Bart’s actual quote:

    “Well, the truth is if you’ve done cocaine, you’ve sold cocaine. If you have never sold cocaine, I submit you’ve never done cocaine.”

    Comment by Danger Bear — March 9, 2008 @ 6:29 pm

  5. What a bunch of pussies.

    Real money here for the taking.

    You are a pussy.

    I feel sorry for you wife.

    Comment by twilightsailing — March 9, 2008 @ 6:30 pm

  6. I gave the quote in its entirety and even provided the issue called Clinton in Black face,
    and not once used any derrogatory statements toward You or Obama nor defense of Bart,Who never said that Obama used or even sold drugs.
    Just the facts.
    Debate with an emotional cripple such as Yourself is pointless as it can only devolve
    into a bitchfest which benefits no one,
    Which is probably why Bart wont reply to Your junevile chest thumping.
    I think I speak for Everyone here that the last thing this place needs to be is a soapbox for Troll-lurkers as the MSM has the money and resources to agitate the GOP thrill-kill pleebs
    into seeking pointless,inane confrontations in weblog forums as You have.
    Actually,I’m quite sorry for Your wife,She is always so grateful.
    Enjoy the sloppy seconds!

    Comment by Rainlander — March 9, 2008 @ 11:38 pm

  7. Rain, If you want the trolls to understand what you are saying you must stop using words over four letters. These repug plants distinguish themselves by their rabid, frothing at the mouth rants, gutter language, unrelated personal attacks and inability to put together a coherent sentence.

    One can find them on forums all over the internet and they all sound alike as though they have all been programmed to play the same recording over and over and over. Unable to think for themselves, of course they are unable to discuss or debate.

    I find it quite interesting and sad that with all the subject matter on Bartcop, Bartblog and the net, that the only thing these pathetic creatures can find to rant and complain about is an occasional typo or a statement they have misread or misunderstood. What miserable lives they must lead and how horrible it must be inside their heads.

    They are classic examples of the statement made by Karl Rove, “As people do better, they start voting like Republicans — unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.”

    Comment by kerry — March 10, 2008 @ 10:03 am

  8. Kerry,
    You make an self-educated eccentric feel valid.

    Comment by Rainlander — March 10, 2008 @ 12:31 pm

  9. My pleasure Rain. LOL Thank you for the rare ray of sunshine. ;O)

    Insanity is rampant as my Limbaugh post will show.

    Do you suppose after 4 goodby rants that poor twilight is really gone? Or will he sneak back for a peek and one more rant? haha

    I had an acquaintance tell me once that she had told her friends I was eccentric. I thought about it for a moment as she watched for my reaction then told her.

    “No, I’m not! You are only eccentric if you are rich. If you are not rich you are just plain crazy.” I thought she would burst a seam laughing.

    Comment by kerry — March 10, 2008 @ 1:56 pm

  10. Kerry,
    I suspect twilight will return again in his old moniker VTIndependent and call us all his bitches.
    As for Eccentric/Crazy,I’ve been both several times over,but the benefits of doing things Your
    own way has rewards that arent calculable.

    As for the limbaugh post,if You had told Me
    8 years ago that the swinehound would urge his
    own vast constituency to cross party lines,then I would have thought it improbable.
    But a trouble with People who have belonged to cults who finally see how they have been manipulated swings first from denial to hatred
    for the deprogrammers and then guilt followed
    by profound sadness.
    Its a good post and it highlights the power of propaganda over these People.
    Glad to make Your day as You have Mine.

    Comment by Rainlander — March 10, 2008 @ 2:45 pm

  11. Rain, Speaking from personal experience the brainwashing begins in church and Sunday School where everyone is taught that they are born bad and cannot do anything themselves but have to surrender their free will to succeed or amount to anything. They grow up feeling inferior and waiting to be told what to do next. Not finding themselves fulfilled from within they are fair game for anyone with a little charisma who offers HOPE, CHANGE AND PROSPERITY, cult, religion or politics. Remember old Reverend Ike on the radio with his “YOU CAN’T LOSE WITH THE STUFF I USE!” LOL

    It took me a long time to rise above that programming and think for myself.
    I has been worth it though. ;O)

    Comment by kerry — March 11, 2008 @ 11:09 am

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