
March 10, 2008

Et tu Eliot? Gov. Spitzer Caught In Prostitution Sting

Filed under: Uncategorized — N @ 7:31 pm

Why is it bright young stars of the Democratic Party have self destructive tendencies? Think Gary Hart and Monkey Business. Today Eliot Spitzer, Democratic Governor of New York, revealed he was caught in a federal prostitution sex sting. Spitzer has been a highly publicized rising star in the Democratic Party. After serving as New York Attorney General for eight years he was elected governor and many people looked at his potential for national politics.

 Getting nailed, getting nailed could effectively end Spitzer’s political ambitions. Remember in America its okay to lie people into war and death, but if you do something in any way related to sex you’re evil. Kill = Okay, Sex = Bad.


  1. I don’t understand! Spitzer is a liberal! Why is the main scream news media reporting this? Are they having a slow day? Has Chris Matthews run out of material? This doesn’t make sense.
    How am I supposed to be able to accuse the Main Scream Media of holding republicans to a higher standard that democratics if they begin to attack one of their own?!?
    Enough! I want to hear no more about Spitzer! It upsets me. Grinny

    Comment by grimgold — March 10, 2008 @ 7:35 pm

  2. No need to sweat, Grimmy.

    Spitzer is a liberal Democrat. He was having sex with a woman.

    If he were having sex with under-aged boys or small farm animals them we would know he was a Republican.


    Comment by Volt — March 10, 2008 @ 8:21 pm

  3. Oh! What a relief. Thank you Volt.

    Comment by grimgold — March 11, 2008 @ 9:52 am

  4. Couple of articles in Harpers about this

    Comment by tsakshaug — March 11, 2008 @ 9:57 am

  5. This is yet another abuse of the powers of the Justice Department. The only thing that makes this a federal issue is the supposed violation of the Mann Act – go look it up Grim – that makes it a crime to transport someone over state lines in order to have sex. We’re talking about an adult woman and an adult man transacting sex – a misdemeanor, not a federal crime. The real federal crime here is prosecutorial misconduct in the filing of extremely dubious charges against a public official for the sake of political gain. I hope when we have our new Democratic president and a veto-proof Democratic Congress, John Edwards will be nominated and quickly ushered in as Attorney General of the USA to clean up the corrupt and degraded DOJ.

    As for Spitzer: fight, man. Fight for the right to have the appropriate charges leveled against you, whatever those may be, then pay the penalties like a man. Were I him, I would stand firm and refuse to resign over this. Let the voters – and/or his wife – throw him out if they want, but don’t quit, Eliot. Get yourself a good lawyer and tie them up in knots over this for a year or two. Americans turned against the Republican tide that was coming at Clinton over Lewinsky because they saw it for exactly what it was. He left office with high approval ratings because he just kept on working and fighting every single day.

    Comment by Joanne from WI — March 11, 2008 @ 10:29 am

  6. Haven’t we all learned by now that it is only a big scandal if it involves a Dem WITH A WO-MAN!

    There wasn’t this much coverage when the wife of Rudy the ghoul learned about his affair
    on TV and or when he moved his mistress Judy into the same house with him, where his wife was still living.

    Wonder what hole he has disappeared into of late?

    Comment by kerry — March 11, 2008 @ 10:33 am

  7. Well here we go again, top Republicans in the New York legislature are using the I word. Just a note for our friends in NY, impeachment might backfire.

    Comment by greyhawk — March 11, 2008 @ 10:43 am

  8. ABC News just did an interesting discussion of how the feds got into Spitzer’s business. He was shuffling cash around the bank accounts in order to come up with a couple of thousand here and a couple more there to pay for the nookie. HIS OWN bank(s) ratted him out to the IRS, who then called in the FBI because of who he is. I thought you had to move 10K or more for the bank to have to notify the government of the activity. Are you kidding me? We can’t move our own cash around and SPEND IT AS WE PLEASE??? This is supposedly the “real” crime – the fact that Spitzer was moving money around to “launder” it to conceal that it was to be used to pay a hooker – that makes it a crime, see. Just like publicly denying an embarrassing relationship with a consenting adult is a crime when a prosecutor asks you about it — even though its not in itself a crime and none of the prosecutors damn business.

    OK, OK I’m not stupid. The indictment indicates that Spitzer committed at worst a misdemeanor in soliciting a prostitute. The Mann Act – forget it. It’s not going to stand up in court. And this whole money laundering angle is a joke. His lawyers will make the government look like a bunch of MORONS in court over that one.

    Good lord. Is there any end to this transparent intrusion by the government into things that are NONE OF THEIR GODDAMNED BUSINESS? I thought the Republicans wanted the government OFF our backs! What the f**k?

    Speaking of which – where is the proof of a crime? Is the ‘escort’ going into court like Monica to tell stories about the shape of Eliot’s dick? That should get Tim Russert and Chris Matthews really excited. I don’t think she’ll do it. If she gets a good lawyer, she’ll never see the inside of a courtroom. Nobody knows what went on in that room except her and Eliot. You can bet there’s no blue dress here.

    I think Spitzer should stand firm and NOT resign. If you give your lunch money to a bully, he’ll just be back for more. I know it’s brutal for his wife and daughters, but he needs to get the hell out of his Fifth Avenue apartment and get up to Albany and show up at his office. He needs to get back to work immediately. The longer he hides out, the worse it will be.


    Comment by Joanne from WI — March 11, 2008 @ 6:11 pm

  9. Well said Joanne from WI, I agree wholeheartedly!

    Republicans don’t think republicans have done anything wrong no matter what they do, sex is dirty, torture and slaughtering civilians for oil is patriotic.

    I forsaw this snooping into bank accounts the day my bank told me about the electronic transfer instead of using checks. Also found out this month that someone can change the amount of a check and run it through the electronic banking system with no problem. My pharmacy which is too far away to drive to did it this month when I wrote a check for the wrong ammount for my prescriptions.

    I called my bank and they told me that although it was possible for someone to do it they assured me it couldn’t happen at their bank!(the pharmacy had already had done it and got the money transfered)

    Comment by kerry — March 11, 2008 @ 7:43 pm

  10. Once again we see the DOJ double standard in this administration. Let’s not let the MSM that Rusho was writing 9999 checks to pay for his oxycotin. Why was he never prosecuted for money laundering?

    Comment by greyhawk — March 12, 2008 @ 4:37 am

  11. Joanne, I was attempting humor. Guess I didn’t do very well. Which reminds me, Spittlezer is resigning!
    The Main Scream Media has been locked into it for hours. This is wrong! Only republicans resign from office in embarassment!
    As for the right and wrong of it, ask his wife.

    Comment by grimgold — March 12, 2008 @ 12:34 pm

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