
March 15, 2008

Don´t Fire Geraldine Ferraro

Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 9:13 am


Don´t Fire Geraldine Ferraro

Pin a Merit Badge on her for

Having the Guts to tell theTruth

Earl Ofari Hutchinson

March 11, 2008

Fire former Democratic VP candidate and Hillary Clinton advisor Geraldine Ferraro? She ought to get a merit badge pinned on her for having the guts to tell the truth. Ferraro got it right on both counts when she said that race has made a difference with Barack Obama. He has gotten a virtual free ride from much of the media. His paper thin voting record, lack of experience, zig zag stances on foreign policy issues, Republican lite positions on health care and the sub prime housing crisis, repeated subtle going negative against Hillary Clinton while giving himself a plausible deniability out and insuring that Clinton gets dumped on when she hits back has been blatantly obvious.

The media and much of the public have kept hands off him in part out of sheer terror of being branded racist and in part out of hatred for Clinton. And that´s the other thing that Ferraro got right. She flatly called the media sexist and said that many Americans, she really said America, has a huge problem with a woman running for president.

The Obama camp screamed bloody murder at Ferraro´s brave and very accurate remarks. They went through tortured gyrations in demanding that Clinton fire Ferraro by comparing her to the justly released Obama aide Samantha Power. There is no comparison. Power should have gotten a swift boot for her personal, slanderous and mud sling name call of Clinton as a “monster.” Ferraro did not engage in personal name calling against Obama but rather made a blunt political comparison between the double standard treatment Clinton´s campaign has gotten versus Obama´s.

That double standard should rankle anyone who believes in at least some fair play in what´s arguably the dirtiest business around, namely American politics. But that´s been a moot point when it comes to dealing with Clinton. From the instant she tossed her hat in the presidential ring back in January 2007 she´s had to deal with a relentless barrage of gender tinged wisecracks and outright insults on the campaign trail. At one rally, hecklers yelled to her to iron their shirts. Other gender taunts and slurs were even less flattering. Radio host Rush Limbaugh told listeners in one of his nationally syndicated shows, “Will this country want to actually watch a woman get older before their eyes on a daily basis?” Clinton has been taunted in some online websites with fake ads for toilet brushes labeled, “First Cleaning Lady” and a Clinton nutcracker was also for sale. It cracked nuts between her legs. Hillary Clinton’s hairdos, ankles and even her cleavage did not stir any sustained protests or outrage from either men or women.

A female in the White House would shatter the frozen in time mindset that the first lady isn’t the president but the emotional helpmate to the president. That notion, though, is still a foreign concept to many men. In February, the Associated Press and Yahoo News found that 40 percent of Republicans said they would be reluctant to vote for a woman. A much smaller percentage said they would be reluctant to vote for a black.

More than three decades before Clinton made her run for the White House, then New York Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm the only other woman to make a spirited run for the presidency as a Democrat quipped that “Of my two “handicaps” being female put more obstacles in my path than being black.

I’ve always met more discrimination being a woman than being black.” Chisholm got a frosty reception from the male members of the Congressional Black Caucus. Thirty six years and nine presidential elections later some things haven´t changed as Ferraro noted for a woman that seeks the highest office in the land.

The politically correct view is that Clinton´s entrance into and drive for the presidency will permanently alter the hostile mindset of many men that a woman is not equipped to hold the highest office. That´s been the biggest myth of all. In Democratic primaries in January and February Obama held his own or surpassed Hillary´s vote total with white men. He did it in some of the most traditional bastions of white male voter resistance to backing a black candidate in elections past.

The votes he got from the men didn´t necessarily mean that these men were enthusiastic backers of Obama. It likely meant that when it was a head to head contest between a man and a woman, they backed the man. Many liked Obama´s message of change, but there were undoubtedly other men that simply didn´t like Clinton, or rather the thought of a woman in the highest office. As Ferraro accurately put it lots of men fit that bill.

Clinton will be under intense pressure to dump Ferraro. She should mightily resist it. After all, no one should lose their job for telling the truth.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. His new book is The Ethnic Presidency: How Race Decides the Race to the White House (Middle Passage Press, February 2008).

Obama is No JFK but Even If He Was His Inexperience Can’t be Cavalierly Dismissed

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author, syndicated columnist, political analyst and commentator.
He has been a frequent guest on Hannity and Colmes, The O´Reilly Factor, The Big Story, EXTRA, and numerous CNN News and Talk Shows.
He was a regular commentator on CNBC´s The Dennis Miller Show.
He has been a guest on the Today Show, Dateline, The Lehrer Hour, and BET News, America´s Black Forum.
He is a frequent commentator for the American Urban Broadcast Network and Ed Gordon´s News and Notes on NPR
He is a featured columnist for,, and
He is associate editor of New America Media
His op-ed columns appear in the Baltimore Sun,L.A. Times, Los Angeles Daily News, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Newsday, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the San Francisco Chronicle, and the Christian Science Monitor, and other major newspapers.
He is the author of nine books.Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author, syndicated columnist, political analyst and commentator.
He has been a frequent guest on Hannity and Colmes, The O´Reilly Factor, The Big Story, EXTRA, and numerous CNN News and Talk Shows.
He was a regular commentator on CNBC´s The Dennis Miller Show.
He has been a guest on the Today Show, Dateline, The Lehrer Hour, and BET News, America´s Black Forum.
He is a frequent commentator for the American Urban Broadcast Network and Ed Gordon´s News and Notes on NPR
He is a featured columnist for,, and
He is associate editor of New America Media
His op-ed columns appear in the Baltimore Sun,L.A. Times, Los Angeles Daily News, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Newsday, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the San Francisco Chronicle, and the Christian Science Monitor, and other major newspapers.
He is the author of nine books.


  1. Geraldine Ferraro’s Game Exposed…

    As most of you know Geraldine Ferraro made some very inflammatory statements last week and then tried to claim reverse racism when she got attacked (primarily by white people) for what she said, spending 48 hours after the fact to cry foul on every me…

    Trackback by The Postnational Monitor — March 15, 2008 @ 10:50 am

  2. “Why treason doth prosper is that none dare call it so.”

    Comment by Rainlander — March 15, 2008 @ 8:11 pm

  3. Sorry,that sucked.
    here is the quote in its entirety:
    “Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
    Sir John Harrington

    The reason I quoted this is;
    The Status Quo will remain as such as long as good People hold their toungues and tempers,
    allowing treason to prosper.
    I dont care who is elected in november,the minute they walk down those aisles then lobbyist
    will be stuffing fistfuls of cash into his/her pockets.
    Now tell me that they have a hope in hell of remaining true to the people and the constitution when they are being paid off by the Uber class to promote their interest not ours.

    Comment by Rainlander — March 15, 2008 @ 8:31 pm

  4. Oh posty, If you see the truth as only “inflamitory racial statements” then I feel sorry for your lack insight and perception.

    Ferraro spoke the truth as any intelligent person could see but afraid to say themselves because all of the phony “politically correct” BS has made people afraid of the backlash from people like you who trashed her on your blog in a way that would have black people up in arms if it were done to Obama! You didn’t lower Ferraro, or Hillary, only yourself.

    Obviously you are only here to draw attention to yourself and your hate spewing blog to promote your desire for someone to “HAND YOU A POLITICAL APPOINTMENT”.

    Rain, That quote is so true, especially these days with so many being led by the lying media who twist everything in order to rile up people to make mountains over mole hills and vice versa to stir up controversy. Smoke screens mostly to distract from what is really going on.

    The rest of what you said about the corrupting influence is so true as well. Years ago I did volunteer work in a congressman’s office. He was young, clean cut and so well intentioned and idealistic. Last year I saw close up pictures and videos of him and read what he had been doing and was very disappointed. He had lost his high ideals and looked bloated from overeating and dissipated with dark circles around his eyes from too much drinking, and late nights. He had risen too high, too fast and like many of the young stars and Celebs of today, he just couldn’t remain true to his ideals with the pressure to do otherwise.

    Comment by kerry — March 16, 2008 @ 10:29 am

  5. Thank You,Kerry.

    Comment by Rainlander — March 17, 2008 @ 4:44 pm

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